Intelligent Confusion

When most areas of study reach a climax of understanding, their limitation comes from an unreconciled contradiction which usually remains unspoken because of its obvious and shocking stupidity.  For example, the recent statement that slipped from the head of NATO regarding the war in Ukraine saying “more weapons is the way to peace”.  Today, we will explore this phenomenon under the general mental limitation of intelligent confusion.

First, we will deal with the human value of making such contradictory statements.  “War is peace” is the classic 1984 symbol of a police state using nonsensical slogans as a cognitive dissonance and an intelligence test.  On the one hand the obvious contradiction will short circuit the mind’s internal coherence allowing the desired programming of the state to be implanted and allow the population to be easily herded by tactical messaging. And on the other hand, it is an intelligence test to determine if a human mind is waking up from the implied mind control and the enforced confusion. 

This is the human level abuse of intelligent confusion. It is a feature, not a bug within bioadministration.  If we can believe the biblical story of the Tower of Babel and the statement of “we had better confuse their speech, for there is nothing they cannot do (as one)”, then there must be a level of mind accessible to higher levels of being that can be short-circuited.  Bible or not, I personally have reached, during higher states of consciousness, an actual “layer of confusion” which acts as mind fence.  

I have also during meditation reached a level of “secret” knowledge that was obviously protected from my penetration because an immediate response was triggered what can only be described as my mind being scrambled by a multitude of powerfully confusing voices inside my own mind that were not me.  So myth and personal experience both state that humanity is mentally fenced and patrolled by an intelligent confusion.  

Now add to these two data points the stated need within the science of cosmonomics of division to create pools of contradiction as potential energy in storage like our vehicle’s gas tank waiting for the gas petal to be manipulated.  There is rational purpose for intelligent confusion with a dial and a hidden hand to control it.  From the physical divisions of skin color and other racial features to the heart divisions enforced by religions and by past wounds to the intelligent confusion within the mental realm where our minds travel,  the human and humanity has an abundance of potential energy stored in body, heart and mind…by designed division.

With these three points of observable logic, experience and purpose of intelligent confusion we can now ask ourselves who, what and why are humans held captive by our own minds?  Within some esoteric traditions there is an ordered and established path of human evolution which enforces one to fully establish our higher emotional body before we can access higher mind.  In the deepest understanding of the path of the Christ, it is only by submitting oneself to the ultimate sacrifice of crucifixion in perfect innocence can a soul be allowed to wield the power of division.

Whatever we call those invisible beings that can wield the force of division, it is not a path that humanity can consciously walk before it has mastered the forces of reconciliation. What we call evil here on Earth can only reach the level of intelligent confusion, with no real power except to be lost and wandering upon the outer edges of human understanding to both confuse any human that follows and to confuse any non-human entity that attempts penetration into the mind of humanity.  The mind fence is a two way barrier.

We are not captives of Earth any more than our liver cells are captive within our body.  Distinction is enforced by the evolutionary stability and resilience that is the human and cosmic design.  

I feel true compassion for the scientists deep within latest cutting edge sciences of AI and gene splicing.  I feel true compassion for the politicians and oligarchs that are seduced by technocratic solutions.  There is no mind of man that can do more than become another deluded link in the chained fence that keeps humanity human. Intelligent confusion is God’s design you will never even see much less comprehend by anything other than the eyes of the heart.  

Bioadministration is enforced at all levels of being and at all levels of the cosmos.  If you want to wield the forces of creation through division in any way that actually progresses humanity, then one must enhance their own level of reconciliation first or your ignorant creations will simply force innocent humans to die in service to the restoration of the harmony you disturbed.

To all leaders playing with the forces of division, awaken to your own shocking stupidity before you become enmeshed in the impassable fence intelligent confusion and consign more of humanity’s hard won harmony to suffer for your mistakes.


Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence


Astrology and Cosmonomics