The Devil’s Pitchfork

Today we are going to approach one of the master reconciliations, between good and evil.  Naturally, the pull towards love and harmony generally associated with goodness is well accepted.  In fact, nearly all civilizations are founded upon the emotions of shame, guilt, pride and fear which all depend upon some objective goodness by which to judge ourselves.

We will not trigger an earthquake today within those foundations built upon “being good” in order to approach a unity of understanding but rather tackle head on the “problem” of evil being so off putting.  I have stated when I first received the epiphany of using the human body as the blueprint for human organization I quickly became repelled by its complete application and consequences.  Not because I could not see the goodness of reconciliation but because at that moment I could not find peace with the mission of division, el Diablo, the divider.

Being of German blood and raised a Christian made it difficult for me to look squarely at the Nazi tendencies routinely practiced within the human organism.  Right now each of our spleens is an ideological killing field.  Guards, huge white blood cells called macrophages, stand at every veinous passageway of blood returning to the heart and lungs to enforce a purity of function and purpose, called Life.

These killers main diet of undesirables are invaders like funguses and bacteria but also formerly productive red blood cells.  Worn out, misshapen fellow formerly productive members of the greater human are mercilessly consumed and recycled.  Their bilirubin, the main ingredient in bile salts, is released and sent to the liver for life to continue.  How can we call this natural life cycle evil?

Well when this ideology was raised to the human level, named Nazism, it was evil because it was built upon racism to purify a human organization for self-aggrandizing domination.  This was my feedback loop from epiphany, to application, to realization of the tremendous challenges  of bioadministration’s application to humanity. The mind of humanity, our governments and their individual cells, are often the most addicted to attention and the most easily deluded of all our humans. What to do?

I went back to the drawing board and looked more deeply at the three fold nature of human mind, heart, body and the counterbalancing forces used in each situation, often in tandem, to stop the excess in any single center.  The problem is not the spleen and its commitment to life, its that we cannot put our governments regularly to sleep by simply withdrawing our attention and support.

When the whole debate in the rollout of Obamacare moved to “death panels” as an emotional application of shame at killing grandma and our unresolved fear of death, the opportunity to have a rational conversation of whether socialized medicine can continue to spend most of its funds to buy every dying human another .01% of life in the most compromised state of near death was lost.  Emotions won. Fear won.  “Goodness” won.

But the devil has a job to do. In the spleen and in the western health care system.  What if the inability to reform our socialized medicine in 2010 led to the need for the pandemic of 2020?

The devil will have his day because that ultimately serves life.

Life is the reconciliation of good and evil, of masculine and feminine, of positive and negative.  Life is a force into itself with the two arms of division (Devil) and reconciliation (Christ).  Life will relentlessly apply the medicine needed to remain in life be it the love of Christ or the Devil’s pitchfork.

So when we feel either the draw towards forgiveness  or the disturbance to move forward, do not judge.  Ask what Life wants and needs and demands. When you feel remorse for those red blood cells that are being harvested and recycled for your life or if your elderly parent is dying, ask yourself what you are doing with that gift of their life long service?

Bioadministration is the fairest application of Life as proven by Life’s most immaculate and tested expression.  Any judgment otherwise is a division or an incomplete reconciliation of good and evil.


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