Navigating Zero Point

I mentioned recently using the tool of celestial navigation’s triangulation of stars in the sky to get an accurate position on Earth.  The same principle applies to tracking cell phones by signal strength from triangulated antenna towers. Today, we will walk through the case for cosmonomics from three separate directions.  First with logic. Second with history. And third with experience.

Logic forces any rational human to answer this question “Are humans at the top of the food chain?” with a negative response.  Even though no scientific, educational or religious organization dares to broach the subject, nature all around us shows there is an exchange of energy between ALL life, above and below.  There is no doubt that humans eat a multitude of life forms to survive, yet we invest no effort in studying who or what consumes humans.  Not the dead part of humans that needs recycling by worms and fungi and possibly scavengers.  I’m referring to the living human and its invisible yet potent food of emotions and thoughts. 

Leaving aside whether our invisible consumers of human energy are angelic, demonic, terrestrial or alien, the universe never produces without purpose for long.  Every type of food attracts predation.  This is the nature of every living thing, seen or unseen, to exist within an economy of exchange.  To study the human place and value within the cosmos, I call cosmonomics.

Next is history.  Every culture, from tribe to civilization, throughout history has some myth, tradition or religious practice supporting the concept that the ritual death of the innocent can “appease the gods” and restore harmony.  The scapegoat loaded with sin is driven into the desert, the old crone is stoned in the field to make the crops grow, the virgin maiden is thrown into the volcano to satisfy its fury and the Christ is crucified on a cross to pay for our sins are but a few examples of a universal human belief.  Can such cruelty be the greatest systemic error of human understanding?  Or how can one save many?

So not only do we logically have some invisible consumer of human life, suffering and death, but the level of innocence of the sacrificial lamb is a major factor.  That willingness and innocence to sacrifice their life for all their people is so universal means there must be both a certain frequency and a potency factor to this human offering.  The study of frequency and potency of human emanations is also within the science of cosmonomics.

And thirdly, what if we could study these theories of human energetic production within the state of dramatic suffering and approaching the portal of death but come back to life to share our understanding revealed by experiencing what shows up to “eat you”.  Every true spiritual tradition (that has not been hijacked by the priests or the gurus for ignorant expression) has a technique for the willing surrender of what most would call sin.  

From daily meditation to drinking DMT tea in the jungle, from fasting to self-flagellation, to name a few methods I have experienced it is possible to consciously interface with the vortex of energy released by human suffering and death into the zero point and with the beings that assist and impede this process.  Everything conspires to bring a reconciliation of all human energy back to the original state of love or the energy it is not allowed to leave.  

This is how I got my fix on cosmonomics.  With logic, history and experience all pointing to the same purpose of human existence for the cosmos.  We feed the zero point with love.  You may prefer other names for zero point, like dimensional portal or God.  You may prefer a more scientific sounding name like neutral or reconciling force or more the mystical sounding label of magic, but, love is the purpose of humanity.  From a first-hand view and decades of study, I call it harmony, love as a force and in its power.

Within the model of bioadministration and using the human mind, heart and body blueprint for all levels of creation (as above, so below) humanity as part of the biosphere of Earth is the heart and liver of the solar system.  Producing the substances of transmutation for the greater solar system to remain in harmony is the human purpose and mission.

Today I’m not dealing with the human soul and each human’s personal journey through life.  That is for the personal sciences of psychology and spirituality.  I’m stating the cosmonomic rules of the game we humans must play by as a species and the ramifications that are at least solar system wide.  When some force, on or off planet destroys the smooth vortex surrounding the zero point as in World War II one hundred million lives can be needlessly expended when we have lost touch with our humanity and its innate ability to restore harmony.  

Navigating the stormy seas and the calm waters that surround the zero point with conscious power and control is the next level of initiation for humanity.  I offer cosmonomics as a major component of the structure and blueprint for our next civilization built in alignment with our human purpose and destiny.  

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was the last successful three fold invocation.  Knowing the why and how of harmony is our next journey ahead.


The Devil’s Pitchfork


The Heart Citadel III