The Heart Citadel III

For all our science and our experts in white coats, the human heart, its operation, and its function remain mysteriously hidden. Everyone knows the heart is a pump except when disease causes the heart valves to misfire the direction of the blood flow remains one-directional against the laws of physics. Perhaps this is because of the vortex (zero point) created in the left ventricle which remains strangely unexplored.

Today we will journey more deeply into the mystery of the heart citadel.  Our hearts create an electromagnetic toroidal field around the human body just like our Earth generates a donut-shaped magnetic field around itself.  These same fields bathe both Earth and human within their selves allowing every inhabitant of Earth and every cell in our body to be in constant communication and “oneness” within their field.  In fact, both fields just happen to operate at the same 0.1 Hz frequency.

The magnetic field of Earth also shields itself from solar flares and cosmic rays. The human heart while an innocent child uses the same field strength to protect itself, but when we and our families can no longer stand the results of solar outbursts and meteor impacts every human uses more solidified memories of past wounds to create a still energetic but more layered defense around the heart we call ego.  

So, yes, the heart does contract and release and blood does physically flow but the beat of our hearts is for the pressure wave that travels through and ahead of the liquid blood.  This creates the electromagnetic field that is from 60-100 times stronger than the field generated by the brain and sends (via the rate and variability of the heartbeat) a unified message throughout every cell of the body.  With its 40,000 neurons, our heart is ruler of the emotional body and there’s intelligence encoded within the pulse. The heart sends many times the number of signals to the brain than it receives from the brain. 

So where am I going with this short tutorial about our powerful, mysterious heart?  Today, I am telling my readers that the throne room of a human is in the heart, not the head. And if your consciousness is not sitting on the throne in your heart then the seat of ultimate power is empty or an imposter is sitting there.  The mind does not have its own force field and communication system that radiates a single message to trillions of cells. The heart does. The mind through the vagus nerve receives its marching orders from the heart like a prime minister receives from his king….as long as the king is on the seat of power within the heart.  Otherwise, many pretenders to authority will fight over the microphone that broadcasts throughout the kingdom.

And what was the primary duty of the king? To listen and to rule over every disturbance within his kingdom.  The king must ensure harmony is maintained by moderating conflicts within the people and being the gatekeeper of energies allowed within the kingdom.  The job description of the human heart and of the wise and present king is exactly the same. 

In this age of unlimited free information and cheap sugars in everything we eat, the mind has become a supercharged tyrant too often in control of our organism.  We see this in the takeover of soulless corporations driven by profit from small mom-and-pop shops with personal connections.  We see this in our governments staffed by soulless bureaucrats operating from a manual of self-protection and self-interest not driven to weave together and serve a community.  We see this in churches that have become big businesses with marketing campaigns and budgets to meet instead of husbanding the energetic vibrations radiating throughout the spiritual domain they occupy.  We see modern medicine has become a business to profit from disease instead of a center of health.  Schools are lost too.

With each of these diseases afflicting each component organ of our community there is one core cause.  Each has abandoned its heart citadel as the ruling purpose and responsibility of their service.  Once the mind has usurped the throne, there can only be disease. 

Circumstances in the outer world can be just another distraction to feed the mind another story or another wake-up call of the king to his or her throne.  If the king does not awaken easily and the organization crumbles from having no ruler on the throne in the heart, eventually there is only one place to hide from the chaos the mind collects from having no center.  The heart citadel. Go there. Live there. Establish your dominion and rule.


Navigating Zero Point


Perfect Delusion