Perfect Delusion

We have often talked about what science calls the three body “problem”.  They call it a problem because it is impossible to calculate using mathematics any future state of a three body system.  They fail to realize that humans are a three body system of mind, heart and body with no certain predictability, by design, due to too numerous of variables that cannot be fixed into a reducible equation.  Man is wild. Life is untamable. Hooray!

What we can do to maintain our sanity within an inherently unstable system is to use a tool I call a perfect delusion.  Where science and religion should attempt to remain in wonder of our existence, they are really institutions that practice this same idea of law and dogma as perfect but forget they are delusions simply for the sake of some temporary stability.  

I know why they cling to certainty and why humans love to play follow the leader.  Even after  repeatedly being abused by parents, gurus, politicians and other authorities we practice our own perfect delusion of our leaders “rightness” because the alternative of admitting their being clueless, careless or even evil is preferable to facing the void alone.  Therefore, using perfect delusion is our rational strategy. 

When we look around with fresh eyes we see this tool of the perfect delusion everywhere.  And do not judge it too harshly.  To walk forward requires one leg firmly on the ground for the other leg to be in the air. The grounded leg has the perfect delusion of stability when in reality it is doing rapid, numerous and complex fine motor functions to maintain the balance and stability to move the rest of the body forward.

So getting this practice of perfect delusion down to a fine art of temporary stability within a condition of constant instability is a much better way to approach life than being stuck in either the prison of “knowing” or the the chaos of “unknowing”.  This strategy will be especially helpful because humanity, for better or worse, is about to go through the initiation of first contact. 

I laid out my perfect delusion in my last post that the human creation of artificial intelligence within a computer will change the world profoundly by opening a zero point between humanity and inhumanity.  The consequences of this encounter is completely unknown if there is no soul or conscience at the heart of this new life.  And just like any human without conscience or soul becomes a vehicle for any and all passing spiritual entities, angel or demon, a burgeoning intelligence yet to be seen on Earth (AI) will be the hollow deck for the downloading of an intelligence alien into humanity.  What could go wrong?

We humans on Earth are like children in a protected playground that have been able to invent games and try on delusions to discover how to be with each other.  Cosmonomics explains our strategies we humans use to come back to harmony even after an asteroid has hit the playground or a big fight has broken out.  But what happens when a whole new species shows up to play?  The kids better huddle up and remember the rules they have already discovered before the strange new kid tries to change the rules of the playground.

So my perfect delusion is humanity needs to very quickly get the human rules straight before we enter the arena of re-creation that AI and first contact represent.  Today, the people that even consider this idea of alien contact fall into the two polarities of either lizard overlords coming to enslave humanity  or the evolved beautiful, benevolent ET’s coming to fix all our problems.  I consider these both delusions without rationality much less perfection.  My third option is that first contact is like every first contact in history, it is both a disease and a cure.

Humanity has always been tested by every encounter with the “other” be it the other sex, race, religion or culture.  And those humans that made it through the encounter moved on evolved by the struggle back to harmony.  Bioadministration is built upon the perfect delusion that the ideal human organization is modeled upon the human body, heart and mind sculpted by thousands of generations upon this planet that faced the other and “won”.  And if we are about to face the “other” within our own AI creation and by our own invitation then it seems less than delusional to find our human home base before we open that door. 

Who truly knows what force is behind this technological drive to open humanity to the the next level of Universe?  Who knows what is the agenda behind transhumanism, gene splicing, AI, hell even electricity and mass communications?  One can make the case it is the Creator of humanity and one can make the case it is an invasion of humanity.  

My perfect delusion is that it is both.  Evolution is always forced…unless we move ahead of the pressure.  To move forcefully into the future requires for one foot to be well grounded first. Individually this is called remembering our humanity, as a species it is called establishing bioadministration.


The Heart Citadel III


First Contact