The Cancer Problem

One of the most challenging dilemmas for the implementation of bioadministration is also a huge dilemma for the body and our immune system.  Namely, how to deal with cancerous cells and how to deal with cancerous ideologies.  There is a very famous treatise on cancer called The King of All Maladies, an aptly named description of how powerfully this disease haunts humanity.  Rarely does modern medicine look at the disease of cancer in the body as an ideology, but the civilizational war between ideology and ethics is well described by looking at the malady of cancer.

Every cell of our body has its own mission to accomplish and is given the ability to end its own life, via apoptosis, with the instruction to self terminate if it cannot perform it’s mission any longer.  Every cell of your body has this ethical commitment to you, the whole organism, or you would already be dead.  What will you die for? And when? How much easier would it be to manage every human organization if the tired, the old, the broken just had the ethical commitment to the organization they live within to relieve it of their burden?  Cancer is the failure of the ethics of life and death and civilizations face the same ethical challenge.

Tribal ethics works perfectly when every tribal member makes their own choice to relieve their tribe of their burden.  Elderly aborigines will simply walk away from the tribe into the desert after announcing they are leaving to die.  Wounded warriors will sacrifice themselves in rearguard to allow their team to escape. This type of ethical commitment leaves the tribe free to be saintly in their honor and care of their elders and their wounded when the soon to depart take the ethical responsibility upon themselves to exit the scene for maximum tribal value.

Compare this heroism to the cancer cell that has lost it’s DNA code or its mitochondria and can no longer burn oxygen but refuses to die.  Cancer hides itself and reinforces its malady by reproducing and growing tumorous masses feeding upon blood and oxygen with no work in return. Life for life’s sake.  It is understandable, if not ethical.  It is a “me for me even if you are paying my bills” ideology.

So the breakdown of ethics is at the foundation of every ideology that justifies itself as specially valuable to itself and a burden to others.  Think both rich and poor. Cancer creates its own ideological citadel through uncontrolled growth without purpose and changes the pH of the surrounding cells to support the fermenting of sugar instead of burning it.  The energetic ideological corona of a tumor can be three times larger than its physical mass constantly in recruitment of adjacent cells to its ideology. Ideology proselytizes and justifies against ethical conduct.

Look at our soft drink companies or our pharmaceutical companies perpetuating disease.  They sell their products that change the internal ethics within the body to promote their self referential ideology. Addiction. More advertising means more sales means more cancer or gut micro-organisms to consume more sugar means more internal voices calling out to be fed more sugar means more soda sales means the cycle of addiction into death.  How many organs of the state built to serve the people have become their own ideological tumors of self referential growth?  Or have been captured by the industry they regulate for its self referential ideological growth?

What is the solution?  Obviously there will always be the old and wounded among us.  In fact, no one escapes the life cycle of value and the eventual burden upon our family and our community.  The only question is really a question of applied ethics or of applied ideology.  Ideology attempts to deflect facing this ethical question head on by giving tumors to hide within that justify why we should be treated in a special manner or receive special advantage.  Whereas, ethics clearly states that there is a debt to our existence within each of the organizations we participate within. Every healthy human and healthy cell is responsible to face death with the ethics that gave them their life.

When a cell refuses to face death ethically, our internal immune system has specialized killer cells to deal with these individual cells that become cancerous one at a time.  Single cell ethical collapse happens all the time and our body can deal with an individual cell rather easily.  As can our society. But if our breakdown of ethics is allowed to become an ideology of separation from the whole then our immune system cannot really attack the well established tumor.  Ideologies lead their whole organization into death and our immune system must honor this as a systemic failsafe built into Nature.

The only sustainable way to recover from cancer is not with surgery, radiation or chemo.  The cure for cancer is to stop smoking, eating crap, drinking sugar and alcohol, stress, etc. that broke the ethical bonds within the human organism in the first place. There are no radical interventions outside of the body that can truly heal a diseased civilization infected by ideology.  Ideologues and revolutionaries of the left and the right have all failed to mass murder their way to health.  Whereas, healthy policies founded in ethics, no matter how sick the body, have always helped to restore health.

If we step back and look at “the cancer problem” we find no problem at all.  Cancer, of all the methods of disease to protect the ethical pursuit of life, is a well designed gift to humanity.  This is not heaven. Sin is allowed. If we pollute our bodies or our biosphere then we have a disease that takes years of abuse to trigger and time to remember ethical action.  But once triggered, the only real cure is to return to true health.

Once civilizations founded upon ethical win-win become infected with ideology they have only two choices.  Die or return to health by ethical change and ethical action.


Beneficial Division


The Warrior’s Heart III