The Warrior’s Heart III

The gold standard of heart warrior hood was, of course, Jesus.  Several of his famous followers were Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  All three were facing insurmountable physical domination by the Romans, the British and White Racists and therefore wisely surmised to invent or follow a model of empowerment founded in ethics.  The heart is always ruled by ethics even if it cowers at the ideologies of the mind for an age.

So we could say in those cases, shame in the heart eventually wakes up and over rules the mind.  But there is a flaw in the system that can become a feature in this method of counterpoint, if, you want to stay alive.  A ruling group of committed psychopaths can look upon Christian virtue as “sheepish” weakness inviting more abuse that sets up a divided good and evil, master and slave cultural system.  It may take decades or centuries for an oppressed culture to convince their rulers to stop their oppression once they see themselves in the mirror and, as a warrior strategy, has shown to be an extremely painful and slow way to return to harmony, if ever.

In the past, walking away was the preferred method of resolving conflicts based on abusive predator/prey dynamics and an attempted systemization of the good/evil dyad.  New tribes formed with ease because the needed infrastructure could be carried on one’s own back and there was abundant open, rich land and water.  Heart warriors would choose to walk away from a fight, if they could.  But in our modern world there is no opportunity or place to simply be left alone.  So the heart warrior needs their next iteration of successful Christian heart ethics applied for this age’s limitations.

First, there should be no backsliding upon either standing within a superior ethical foundation or in depriving the predator of yourself as a meal. Second, the science of cosmonomics should be studied for understanding the nature of division and reconciliation.  Good and evil is built into the system and even if the oppressive psychopath is enjoying their role, it is a roll the must be filled and performed to maintain balance until a heart warrior shows up to break the cycle. If you are stuck in either side of the right/wrong dyad then you are not a heart warrior.

The heart warrior is neither dark nor light. He or she is a divider or a reconciler wielding dark and light as appropriate to serve or preserve harmony.  Suffering is wielding control. Walking away is wielding control. The first is reconciliation. The second is division.  But now the ability to divide for the sake of harmony is severely stretched due to the limit of opportunity to walk away and the massive ideological overload of good/evil dyads threatening the functioning of every human organization.  So our preferred strategy must lie within the domain of reconciliation.

Reconciliation can be forced or invited.  Brave heart warriors in the Native American dominated plains era forced the reconciliation of conflicts through individual combat or tribal combat.  Violence ensured peace or at least kept systemic cycles of drama short lived.  Our justice system and our military should still do the same, without ego or prejudice or agenda for the sake of harmony.  But when the heart warriors are weak in action or fall to ideology then more endless loops of good and evil are maintained within the culture.

Someday something like the Jedi order of Star Wars with an overwhelming bad ass commitment to peace and harmony, the way a healthy immune system is given overwhelming power to force reconciliation, will be instilled within human culture, with auto immunity safeguards.  Until then, heart warriors need focus on the power of invited reconciliation through passive attraction.  And no heart warrior is given the real power of forced reconciliation until their heart is fully trained in the power of passive attraction first.

The redemptive power within passive reconciliation of both good and evil, right and wrong can be viewed within the visible vortex.  Within chemical processes there is often the need to fully mix two liquids or gases that is best accomplished by the shape of the exit powered by gravity to force a vortex (aka tornado).  How many times does an argument spin round and round only to collapse into a vortex of reconciliation when initiated by one party opening the drain with apology, remorse and forgiveness?   

Children are an instinctive source of passive reconciliation of father and mother remaining within a family vortex.  Some people have named our liver the “communion of saints” because of it’s ability to forgive all the “sins” the body, heart and mind commit. Most of the functions of our liver is to perform complex reconciliations of elements into enzymes and other catalyses.  Do enzymes and other catalyses act by force or invitation?  Do children act with force or invitation?

The invitation into reconciliation by either higher chemicals or higher emotions is irresistible because it operates upon the fact there is a destination for higher and more refined levels of the energy we call life.  Just like gravity works upon all matter with irresistible invitation, so too does love upon human energy.  Puppies and children have an attractive super power.

The true heart warrior has all the tools to wrestle with either dark or light, wrong or right and invite the conflict into a new state of harmony.  Not with being sheepish or even innocent.  Passive reconciliation when truly connected to the zero point is a force rival to gravity and nuclear bonding in power and irresistible force.  Sharpen that weapon.  Open that channel between here and Eternity.  And know you have the ultimate backup.


The Cancer Problem


Coherence, Cohesion and Co-Empowerment