Coherence, Cohesion and Co-Empowerment

Every small assembly of humans, be it a family or a tribe or a sports team has its own governing natural law we could name co-empowerment backed by coherence and cohesion. Given the free movement of people, the feeling of coherence within the hearts of the human participants will draw humans together and the feeling of dissonance will drive them apart.  Our body and our humanity practices citadelization by these fundamentally important learned instincts.

Coherence acts like oil in an engine to make every mating surface slippery and reducing friction.    Whereas dissonance creates friction and makes the team expend more work to overcome the friction and time to dissipate the heat.  Small children are incredibly strong for their muscle mass because there is no dissonance trapped within the muscle group.  Every cell that works in coherence and co-empowerment for the same purpose will have no laggers or resisters.

Of course, if you have studied my blog and the science of cosmonomics then you know that our human organism is a motor/generator and a storage battery.  While young, we are perfect frictionless transmuters of any dissonance within our field even if we might suffer a whipping or a timeout for our outburst.  As we age, accumulating complex egos, personalities, ideologies and habits within their memorized sensations trapped in body, heart and mind make us a reliable source of energy to tap upon demand. Enter cohesion or we would fly apart.

So we progress from internally co-empowered coherent to still co-empowered but dissonant structures and, through cohesion, keeping the charge we were designed to carry until such time as the final reconciliation carries our soul back through the zero point….in a burst of coherent super co-empowerment.  Families, tribes and teams can also create group identities as a container and a cohesion to hold itself together while in the charging phase of excess dissonance and friction.  Who has not had make up sex that made all the tension worth the final release?  What if the team at half time was at each others throats and pulls together to win the game and makes the team even more cohesive, coherent and co-empowered over time?

Co-empowerment is more than just a simple win-win relationship.  It involves coherence and cohesion and is therefore designed to be most useful in extremis.  Our human organism was subjected to countless tests and trials and failures by nature.  The ability to respond to disturbance, to return to homeostasis is the definition of being alive versus dead. And while being young is fully expressed co-empowerment, being a fully adult human requires the ability to buffer disturbances with coherence and cohesion.

The foundation of the human purpose for the cosmos lies in our human ability to respond to the greater actions of the cosmos we have no power over except to stand ready in the most coherent, cohesive and co-empowered state possible. Our own livers are magnificent responders to our greater actions.  Like children our liver cells can instantaneously create an incredible range of chemical transmutations in response to every disturbance.  Like adults our livers can buffer and absorb energies for detoxification while holding a years supply of B vitamins and all the other structural components held in reserve to express maximum coherence, cohesion and co-empowerment under maximum stress.

So what’s my point?  If we look at every organization of humanity within the context of its designed purpose to be able to respond to disturbance with coherence, cohesion and co-empowerment, then every organization we create has an objective measure.  Does our most significant human relationship with our best friend, partner or lover make us more coherent and co-empowered?  Does it have cohesion in extremis?  If yes, then it is a citadel.

Then we move outward to our economic and close community interactions.  Do they enhance the three co’s?  If not then you have two choices, invest or divest.  The third option of accepting the status quo is anti-life.  Either change the internal dynamics of this next layer of citadelization by making it more internally aligned or leave it for another group.  We humans have this built in ability to suffer and transmute for lasting change we accomplish every time we eat a meal.  We do it with our children every time we calm their fears. We can change the entire dynamic of a community citadel by how we respond to any disturbance within it to make it more coherent, cohesive and co-empowered.  If we invest in it. And it is worthy of our investment.

The rings expand out to the citadel of our local, state and national government, the most outer layers with the least coherence and cohesion and co-empowerment.  Without free movement to escape and reorganize governments tend to become instruments of nature that test the coherence, cohesion and co-empowerment of inner citadels rather than structure their governance to directly support life’s purpose.

I fully expect we humans to some day make our national governments, even a world government, a resilient citadel between humanity and inhumanity by remembering humanity’s purpose….to be alive and to be responsible to life with greater coherence, cohesion and co-empowerment. Until then governments will be the place we put our least human humans.

There on the outer edge of the most extreme limits of harmony our “leaders” are exposed to everything that the cosmos rains down upon us.  Forgive them their stupidity.  It’s their place to be the umbrella shielding the rains of cosmic confusion. For now, it’s our place to say no to their delusions when they attempt to violate coherence, cohesion and co-empowerment.


The Warrior’s Heart III


Chivalry for the Mind