The American Matriarchy

I wrote most of a book over fifteen years ago called The American Matriarchy but it remains unpublished.  The general premise was that a world patriarchy had captured Washington D.C. and in order to re-establish boundary and sovereignty we needed a matriarchy led by women to kick out the globalists and restore American government upon the principles of wealth instead of power.  Honestly, the prospect of helping get Hillary Clinton elected president in 2008 slowed my desire to finish the book.  And now looking back at the “feminine” leaders who have risen to power, they are not bringing forth a matriarchy.  

I was wrong about the gender of a politician being an attribute to help systemic change even if they were the natural and safe choice to do so.  It’s the system design, not the gender of the politician that is the root of the problem.  In natural systems, like tribes and families, when there is an organizational need for movement or conflict then men have ruled.  When it is time to birth or nourish then women have led.  And even though all the open lands are gone and war for territory is nearly a thing of the past, we humans are still running a political patriarchy. Why? To prepare for aliens landing? 

The women we have elevated to power are still dedicated to or captured by a drive to world patriarchy that wraps itself up in altruistic planetary needs like climate change or food security or whatever excuse they can design to appeal to our feminine nature of wealth creation…but to get more power and control.  True feminine control is like a swarm of birds or a school of fish which have no leader with a master plan.  The organizational structure of a swarm or school lives in the moment and the flow of what the organization needs in that moment…to change course for the wealth of security and gathering.  That was my hope and my error.  My theory was that the sensitive nature and nurture of humans who have been mother’s could naturally overwhelm the need to dominate and control outcomes maybe for a generation.  Our patriarchal government spends wealth for power.  A matriarchy uses power to secure wealth.  When a civilization is out of wealth, it is out of power.

How does this apply to bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization? Instead of gender fluidity we need systemic fluidity with defined gender roles of the masculine and the feminine.  How can any system designed to manage humans attempt to ignore the most fundamental divisions of life when it is the divisions create the potential of life to continue?  Imagine a car battery where the lead or the acid are tired of their distinction and separation.  What if they had the ability to relax into a warm and comfortable middle zone of neither polarity?  The battery ceases to function.  What happens when a civilization no longer holds strong gender roles?  It begins to enter the cycle of dying and death. 

Am I suggesting to enslave men or women into rigid gender roles? Absolutely not.  My book theorized investing women who are strong and capable in feminine attributes with leadership, for a purpose.  Electing politicians in feminine bodies who are still warmongers has done nothing. Emasculating men to give that same power to women is not a healthy culture.

Even the most cursory diagnosis of our western civilization’s current dis-ease by the science of bioadministration would restore health by transitioning from our sympathetic nervous system to our parasympathetic, would reduce chronic inflammation by reducing cortisol and stress levels and would stop self-destroying auto-immune actions by calming the over-active immune system.  All three actions are a polar shift from masculine, aggressive control of life to a feminine, nurturing repair of life. Like sleep, for example.

Whatever we might call the assembly of leadership in Washington D.C. in anger or disgust, it is no different than when our own minds have been awake and active too long and can no longer marshall directed attention in a coherent and harmonious way.  A tired mind has only one ultimate option.  To go to sleep,  And hopefully, before the tired mind has made permanent damaging choices for the heart and body.  What is sleep? Shifting from masculine to feminine leadership.  That was my hope and prayer in writing The American Matriarchy…to encourage a wise and peaceful transition of power through systemic fluidity by adding a new dimension of leadership.  How do we put our tired and confused mind to sleep without another patriarchy simply taking power through invasion, revolution or civil war?

Going to sleep can be a chosen ritual or a messy nightly fight.  The same choice could happen with our governmental mind.  We can accept the beauty of sleep and its mental surrender of control by preparing for bed by adjusting the sensory inputs of light, sound, smell, taste and touch.  Soft music, clean sheets, essential oil in a diffuser, brushing teeth and turning off lights and screens are all a ritual of sleep’s feminine seduction.  Compare this individual ritual to our governmental mind that cannot even imagine the concept of a period of rest anymore than a child at eight o’clock at night still in the middle of play can see the wisdom of surrender.  Has any “parent” of our wayward government presented any alternative to an inevitable crash and meltdown of an overly tired mind?

I wrote a whole book inviting we Americans to pick women leaders to save us.  I wanted a shortcut and an easy solution that proved impossible as long as the ethos of power remained intact. The core idea of shifting from masculine leadership to feminine leadership I still defend and highly encourage.  Bioadministration states clearly that it is the heart and body’s duty to withdraw sensation from the mind periodically for the safety and health of the organism, even if the mind does not agree.  Stimulants, like debt and printing money and other temporary solutions (like electing women in pantsuits) are no longer helping or an option.  These only risk the brain’s crash and burn with the consequences playing out for the entire organism.

If we allow our mind of government to continue to resist sleep through deficit spending, foreign entanglements, imprisoning entitlements and cooked elections then it is we, the heart and body of humanity, who will suffer.  The only question is when and how we choose to impose our parental discipline. Bioadministration and citadelization offer the natural solution we will continue to explore, discuss and encourage of putting our government to sleep on a periodic basis.  This can be a lullaby or it can be a fight.  Either way, inevitably the governmental mind will fall into unconsciousness. Only one choice allows it to awaken in the morning.


Citadelization of Our Brain II


Western Civilization: Specially Created with Cosmic Purpose