The Warrior’s Heart II

In today’s posting regarding cosmonomics, we will actually look a our heart’s functional energetic construction as a precious and powerful instrument.  The understanding our heart’s assigned mission as our regulator of division and reconciliation around the zero point has occupied much of my writings on cosmonomics. Today we can begin to discuss how a human heart can be “a weapon more powerful than a gun.”

Our heart has both internal offensive and defensive capabilities to keep our body and mind in check and external capabilities to safely interact with the outer world.  Remember, as we reveal the inner workings of the human heart whether for wielding division or inviting reconciliation, our heart is a physical tool of a dimensional portal subject to blindingly fast and incredibly subtle forces even the most enlightened masters of every spiritual tradition could only “see” by being absolutely still within.

We begin with the heart-body relationship.  The energy that fuels our emotions comes from reserves stored in the tissues of the body connected through the blood stream.  Our body literally is completely “in love” and service to the heart with no hesitation.  There is a central energetic channel connecting the heart and the belly two inches below our belly button (called in Chinese medicine the lower dan tien) which remains open and clear.   When the heart makes the sound of a sigh it is expelling energetic congestion around the heart down this central channel into the belly for digestion.  Try it. When we laugh, the ha-ha-ha is a modulated energy arising out of the belly through the central channel to clear that channel and the heart itself.

Next we will look at the heart-mind relationship.  This is more like a marriage with no chance of divorce.  The air passing through the nasal passage is the heart’s constant connection to the mind through the breath.  The most basic form of mediation, the foundation of yoga and restoration of mind-heart connection is thinking about breathing. The conscious control of the breath, its regulation and intention is the foundation of self-mastery.  When the mind is clogged with an unpleasant thought form or foreign protein the heart will initiate a sneeze to expel it.  When our heart’s emotions run wild we have mental scripts and remembered parental programs our mind uses to calm ourselves.

Mediation and prayer are simply our heart taking mastery over our mind and body.  The body and the mind cannot be made to behave for very long unless the heart is connected to its internal zero point.  This is the “peace that surpasses all understanding” the mind and body must and will obey.  The number one power of the heart and the hidden meaning behind all the stories of “selling our eternal soul” is talking about our heart’s connection to the zero point, the dimensional doorway and our way home at the end of time.

There are disembodied spirits still floating on this side of the zero point.  Some humans have intense trauma which is not surrendered at death.  Some humans purposefully cut themselves off from the zero point to stay trapped in this reality and to haunt it. And some humans en mass imagine their own heaven and create a temporary refuge within the biosphere and magnetic field of Earth without bodies.  The realm of spirits is vast, but rather simple.  They need human energy and must perturb humans to get energy.  But they must stay away from an open human heart connected to the zero point or they will be vacuumed out of existence in a flash.

Laughter, sighs, sneezing, breath and an “open” heart.  We all have these and now you know what they are for.  These are all extensions of the donut shaped electromagnetic field centered at the zero point within your heart and extending at least three feet from your body.  It’s frequency is .1 Hz, the exact same frequency as Earth’s magnetic field.  And we are all given these common, natural tools to expel or attract energy within our field to keep it robust and with full coverage.

At a greater and more sustained intensity, we all know how powerfully expelling our emotional outbursts can be and how attractive a pure heart is.  This is greatest at childhood and it is vital we appreciate and nurture our children and their innocent heart expressions as carrying a major current load from this world to and from the zero point.  When these channels become weak or congested then our culture is beset with human deaths in their many forms to force reconciliation and the energy it supplies.  Innocence is a regulator of aging and death.

The master work and the master power of every human is to master death.  The “good medicine death” of the Native Americans and Jesus being innocently crucified are both examples of a heart warrior being grounded in the zero point and at peace with life even if they are being tortured or ripped apart by lions.  The current flow into Eternity turns pain into ecstasy. To face death in this state is the heart warrior’s victory over any gun.  Did Martin Luther King win by the way he fearlessly lived? Did his assassin’s gun defeat or enshrine him?

When we restore human understanding to the function and care of our heart we will live in a restored culture.  The ego boundaries will thin, the mental contradictions will resolve and the chronic tensions in our bodies will relax because we will again be the clear channel of life we were as children.  Wiser? Yes. More resilient? Of course.  Less emotional? Maybe.  Heroic?  Perhaps.

When connected to the zero point we are both human and Eternal.  More or less means nothing.  Being in service to life fearlessly facing whatever shows up on the warrior’s path is what matters.


Chivalry for the Mind


Ethics Versus Ideology III: Citadelization as Antidote