Ethics Versus Ideology III: Citadelization as Antidote

Imagine you are a single cell organism capable of independent life faced with a short-sighted and short lived existence. It’s a cold night and you bump into another similar organism just trying to stay warm and you both discover that where your cell walls touch is warmer.  So you stay touching through the night.  More cells join in each night to conserve energy and to stay warm and it becomes the best way to survive. So everybody does it.  The external environment and thermodynamics establishes an ethical strategy everybody shares to enhance life.

But as the clump of cells grows larger, the ideal place to be is at the very center, especially if there is any predation of the outer cells.  The ethical solution is for the first two cells joining up to be at the center of whoever else wants to join up and therefore every new cell is outside being exposed until the next cell shows up. Natural order and incentive. But self interest is in these small brains too and small brains will invent any reason by which they should be in the safer and warmer position. Ethics will always be assaulted by ideology of me first.  And, if all brains are equally intelligent with self interest, then the ideology that may give special position to any one cell over others would immediately fail because it excessively benefits one cell or group of cells.

Over time a truly ethical win-win organization grew in size and ability to respond to biological needs, specialization grew and we end up with complex humans…built upon an ethical win-win.  Any and all attempts at divisional ideology benefiting one group over another would cause the assembly to disintegrate.  Look at families and tribes where divisional ideologies invade and you find a dismemberment of the organization based upon a universal ethics of win-win back down to the smallest size necessary for ethics to be restored.

Fast forward a few billion years and you find yourself living inside a god-like super organism called a human.  Internally, it is ethically organized into a win-win relationship. But it is exposed on the outside to other humans who have their own self interests. There is a lot of jockeying around all over again to find an ethical win-win relationship.  Families form. Tribes form. And each lasts as long as the ethical foundation of win-win is maintained. Not an equality of function, because of specialization, but a fairness of self interest is maintained.

Fast forward thousands more years and the invention of technology, private property and cultural norms all serve to push humans into larger and larger external organizations based upon useful specialization and enhancing capacity to respond to external stimuli.  And now we can look back and collect thousands of case studies of the progression of the ethical growth phase migrating to the ideological aging and death phase of human organizations. In fact, every civilization eventually becomes an extractive Ponzi scheme with the arrival of its destructive ideology.

Citadelization says we (whether for a family living in a city of humans or an organ of the living human) must individually maintain our harmony of purpose both to ourself and to the larger organization we live within.  As soon as an ideology enters into any level of human organization  by its nature divides the whole into competing parts weakening that organization.  From chronic tension within a single muscle group to humans accepting disability payments when they are able to contribute to any systemic tension between races, sexes, faiths and sexual orientation, these are all forms of ideological division that make the organization weaker than its design.

There is no denying aging and death is built into the biology of Earth.  Cosmonomics explains this need for division and for ideology as insulating beliefs to keep humanity separated and prepared for harvest through the forced reconciliation of death.  Progress as a whole seems to always carry along with it corrupting influences.  Air gives life and it also burns. We humans cannot override the natural and cosmic design of humanity, but we can learn to tame this wild horse we are riding.  And we have the proven principal of citadelization based upon a shared ethical integrity to hold the reigns.

Humanity got to where it is not by capitalism or communism or democracy or monarchy.  These ideologies are just the next trial by nature (now human nature), which only and always has one purpose. To test the progress of human integration. And when it fails, the repair function is always citadelization back to the last ethically aligned self-sustaining organization. Even if it means the collapse of huge organizations of humans and giving up some expected comforts.

Any structure built upon ideology has always fallen back the the last ethical foundation.  So why leave it?  To learn? To be tested? Yes. But it is obvious there is no escape from ethical behavior for long. And the most ethical and capable structure on Earth is the human being.  Our perfected design can also be the model for humanity.

We may try to leave ethics for an ideological seduction, but experience shows this cannot be done for long and not without a painful lesson to learn. Citadelization is the body’s core ethos and the win-win agreement by which we have forever organized.


The Warrior’s Heart II


Ethics Versus Ideology II: Bioadministration as Antidote