Ethics Versus Ideology II: Bioadministration as Antidote

An ethos is internally reconciled between body and heart arising from community dynamics with the mind as observer/recorder. An ideology is a mental construct tending to concentrate power within mind generally detrimental to the body and heart.

The great challenge of late stage cultures is with the abandonment of ethics for ideology.  In bioadministration terms, the ethical sensitivity to bodily sensations of youth migrate to the concretion of a mental ideology based upon intense memories causing us to age. The youthful ability to respond becomes the responsibilities which weight us down.  Humans, cultures and civilizations follow the same life cycle.

Within a single family the health of the masculine and the feminine components and their complementary ethics is the paramount factor upon the upbringing of healthy offspring.  Any commitment to ideology which is inherently divisive by either parent will imprint upon the children something that is prone to a divided acceptance or rejection whereas true ethical action within a family is rarely rejected due to its reconciled nature with life and community.

Monarchies and authoritarian states can swing wildly ruler to ruler. The ethics of the sovereign naturally infuses the entire culture and can have the nimbleness of youth but usually with great and undue exercise and suffering of the body.  And being subject to a single ruler, an organization is susceptible to rapid changes of ideology after emotional/bodily ethical exhaustion or by a self serving variable ideology which creates mental instability weakening the culture.  Certainly not a great model for humanity to continue.

On the other hand, democracies (direct or representative) are all susceptible to being seduced into promises of reward and the accumulation of power into the mind and the central governing authority.  Ideologies are used to increasingly organize power blocks and break down culture wide ethics that were the foundational story and mythos by which the culture was originally created.  Democracies follow a similar cycle to the human life in rise and fall over time, but large organizations dying can affect all of its young and innocent humans.

Perhaps you are getting the idea now that within a democratic structure and its life cycle the longer the ethical foundation of the culture can be maintained undivided into competing ideologies the younger and healthier it will can remain.  But once its unity of youthful, founding ethos is lost into division it has only one path into aging and death.  The land is reoccupied by people in family clans and small tribes to rebuild a practical ethics. And a lot of psychopaths used to mass application of ideology must be eliminated in the process.

Can the cycle be broken?  Can late stage ideology be regressed back to ethical youth? Without the atomization of civilizational collapse?  Bioadministration has the chance to reboot ideology into ethics because the body has no ideology, only ethics.  Every ethical dilemma which divides organizations into factions of ideology has already been worked out by our body, heart mind system.

How much public money and wealth should be invested in surgical intervention and critical care when the whites of a patients eyes predicts with near certainty the approach of death usually a week in advance? Statistics and blood analysis at least a month’s notice of reliable prediction? Not much.  The family or hospice should take the patient home for the final, peaceful exit.

What economic system of capital formation and rate of taxation is ideal?  The body has its ideal Body Mass Index of fat to muscle. Too fat or too skinny, too many fat cats or too few is not ideal.

What happens when the justice system and police force falls into ideology and adopts the auto immunity of attacking healthy cells?  The body, if healthy, reduces the inflammation and calms the nervous system.  Sounds like cutting funding for body armor, sniper rifles and armored transports, firing rogue officers and impeaching ideologically driven prosecutors and judges.

When a virus gets into the body with its own agenda, hijacking cells to produce its genetic code instead of the cells reproductive code, the body will expel it by whatever means necessary.  A bad individual or a bad politician or a bad judge must be confronted by a healthy immune system the way any family or tribe must face a trouble maker and expel the disturbance.

No healthy, ethically aligned body allows its own code to be hijacked by any rogue ideology.

These are just a few examples of straight forward answers to apparently perplexing questions that gladly feed ideological divisions.  Bioadministration undoubtable works better than any other way of organizing the human body, heart, mind.  It is naturally ethical and resistant to ideology.  So are families and small tribes. Life demands it.

It is only when a great ethos and a great founding story/principal builds into something large does it even have the chance to make large errors that suck the accumulated life force out of a mature organization.  So why do we ever leave the harmonious, tested, perfected design of bioadminsitration?  Great question.


Ethics Versus Ideology III: Citadelization as Antidote


The Warrior’s Heart