Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Ethics Versus Ideology III: Citadelization as Antidote

Imagine you are a single cell organism capable of independent life faced with a short-sighted and short lived existence. It’s a cold night and you bump into another similar organism just trying to stay warm and you both discover that where your cell walls touch is warmer.  So you stay touching through the night.  More cells join in each night to conserve energy and to stay warm and it becomes the best way to survive. So everybody does it.  The external environment and thermodynamics establishes an ethical strategy everybody shares to enhance life.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Ethics versus Ideology

In ancient Athens at the foundations of democracy, politics was considered to be ruled by ethics because the body politic was known to be a living macrocosm of the community’s shared ethics.  As above, so below. Today, ethics has been replaced by ideology and along with it has destroyed the restraints upon democracy’s greatest weaknesses, mob rule and the loss of individual rights.

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