Ethics versus Ideology

In ancient Athens at the foundations of democracy, politics was considered to be ruled by ethics because the body politic was known to be a living macrocosm of the community’s shared ethics.  As above, so below. Today, ethics has been replaced by ideology and along with it has destroyed the restraints upon democracy’s greatest weaknesses, mob rule and the loss of individual rights.

Ideology is a belief system which can spread from a unique idea, individual or event. Then a structure of its believers can be purposely designed for expansive and/or exploitative purposes whereas ethics is learned and reinforced by day to day interactions between humans.  Where ethics has a near immediate feedback loop and the instant karma of direct human interaction to “keep it real”, ideology uses human events to justify and expand its universe of adherents and enforce compliance or remove resistance…it “Never let(s) a crisis go to waste" .

Marxism, Islam and most other ideologies are examples of the abandonment of community ethics arising from below for an ideological enforcement driven from above.  The community is loosed from its ethical restraints to sanction any purges, punishments or proselyting to support the ideology. Think of the Christian settlers versus the Native Americans.  Ideas can overwhelm ethics for an age, but never truly win.

How do we design a new civilization free of ideology? And then build it without the organizing power of collective belief that can be so easily hijacked?  By restoring ground up ethics to our politics.   In the past, a reboot of a common ethics has only be accomplished by the complete collapse of the civilization built upon ideology and the citadelization back to self-reliant families and tribes.  Can an ethics arising from body autonomy and heart conscience expel a mental ideology without a chaotic reboot? Let’s explore this.

What if a new mental ideology based upon ethics could be taught to the mind of humanity?  It would require an organizing principal and doctrine that could win any argument between lesser truths.  In politics, the best allocation of shared resources would have to be based upon an undeniable logic that made all other divisive ideologies seem weakening and selfish.  How about bioadministration?

Who can seriously argue the internal rules and allocation of resources within a healthy human body are “wrong”?  Every ideology is divisive compared to bioadministration’s ethical harmonization.  Progressive taxation?  The body has an ideal BMI (body mass index) for every climate and season.  The body politic should also strive for an ideal amount of stored abundance (fat cells or wealthy humans) protected from easy harvest for trivial or harmful expenditures (cancerous livelihoods and cells) and therefore is available for harvest in emergencies.

An endless ideological debate over taxation and social subsidy could have an ethical resolution tomorrow by using an objective measure proven and tested by Life and Nature.  Every wasteful  debate between ideologies and every forced ideology by warfare have already been resolved within the mind, heart, body organization if we are willing to look at our own optimized blueprint. Bioadministration is profoundly ethical and resistant to ideology.

And yet we cannot become isolated from the mental disturbances that rain down upon humanity traveling with open skies through the solar system at 30km/second and circling the galactic core at over 200km/second.  New and alien ideas are a gift to humanity. Our minds will be improved by the ferment and our hearts will be strengthened by these ethical refinements, if, we remember our humanity.

Cosmonomics states we humans are divided by nature. Cycles of conflict and resolution are built into our DNA as a functioning organ of a greater life we live inside and must perform our duties to. These unavoidable duties are best performed by our children who immediately process disturbances within their emotional body, ethically, without remorse, memory or debris.  Whereas adult have ego filters (ideology) which become locked responses to stimuli, called aging because we are loaded with these unresolved contradictions.

A heart still young and open to ethical response of cosmic disturbance is ideal.  An aged body filled with contradictions driven by ideology is God’s fat cell waiting for it’s seasonal harvest called death.  When applied to terrestrial politics and governing, there is an extremely light hand of direction needed to an organization based upon ethics while ideology needs constant enforcement and response to self created emergencies.

The mind craves the importance of emergency to be important and so do those humans that gravitate to governing.  What’s really important is we place a reconciled mental shield around humanity like our Earth has its protective layers.  Ideology leaves holes in the shield while ethics is a full layer of protection.  The Platonic dialogues were designed to remove mental ideology and replace it with a mental ethics reconciled through exhaustive debate with and in front of the next leaders and brain cells of humanity.

Today we have the design of our own being that Plato did not have.  The only debate is, can we accept who and what we truly are? And rebuild a civilization upon this ethical model we call bioadminsitration, cosmonomics and citadelization?


The Warrior’s Heart


From Marx to Stalin: A Case Study for Bioadministration