The Warrior’s Heart

When I was much younger and still within the phase of my spiritual journey of reprogramming my ego, while sitting in a ceremonial circle in the deep jungles of the Peruvian Amazon, I was seduced by the disembodied voice of the ayahuasca spirit to “come out into the jungle and I will give you a weapon more powerful than a gun.”  And still being in the phase of my masculine dominated ego, I was ready to leave the circle for this promise of power.

Now I will take a slight detour for you scientists and religious skeptics reading this as either hokum or the Devil’s voice.  To the scientist these “primitive savages” one thousand years ago started using the ayahuasca vine as a MAO-inhibiter to make DMT (nicknamed the God molecule) orally active, a science westerners only discovered the biochemistry of in the last forty years.  How did these natives know to combine two out of the thousands of species in the jungle?  They say a spirit voice told them.

As to this being the Devil’s voice, what doorway to the best party in town or to a real heaven does not have scary looking gatekeepers?  What evolution does not require a testing and a reshaping? What spiritual journey does not meet riddles to solve and pitfalls to avoid?  I bring you the fruits of my hero’s journey. Taste it or not makes no difference to me now that I have already won my victory and my warrior’s heart.

Okay, back to my being seduced by a disembodied voice who knows my hearts deepest fears and desires.  My body did not physically leave the circle that night but my soul embarked upon a long journey into my inner “jungle” and the reformation of a warrior’s heart which is the promise fulfilled of a weapon more powerful than a gun.

All philosophers fall into two categories depending upon whether they accept an invisible, metaphysical world or not.  In a nutshell, do humans have an Eternal soul outside this time and space? Absolutely, I state.  A gun may give power and control in the physical world but the heart rules the non-physical, spiritual world.  And this brings us to the Machiavelli problem.  Those humans dedicated to accumulating power as their sole ruler with no heart and no morality can gain much physical power in this world by sacrificing even the idea of there being anything beyond the visible world and of having a soul to care for.

Machiavellians are even worse than the idea of “selling your soul to the devil” because that at least acknowledges an eternal existence and therefore a punishment in the Beyond to pay for the deeds done in this world.  Facing a world of people being lead by Machiavellians is the ultimate test of the warrior’s heart.  Being physically helpless to a power with no heart forces the heart to develop its own unique power.

The heart’s power lives in the realm of Eternity and so to discover its power in this world we must look at time.  A gun is an instantaneous application of concentrated power.  The memory of how that gun was applied and upon whom is what goes into Eternity.  The idea and the ideal of Jesus, Gandhi and MLK at the moment of their being sacrificed for their “sins” by Machiavellians enshrined their memory in Eternity and is more powerful than the device that killed them.

What gave these heart warriors their ability to defeat the heartless was the the memory of their fearlessness to fully express their love even into death.  Martyrdom gets a bad rap because, whether crucified or with an explosive vest, you lost your life in the act.  But as a test of the warrior’s heart facing the existential question of “what will I die for?” there is no substitute for having a warrior’s heart as the last line of defense against the Machiavellians.

The enshrining of your life’s ethos in death at any age and under any circumstance is the fruit of a warrior’s heart  shared in both this world and in Eternity.  Being reconciled to both is the only true win-win and really the only way to beat the Machiavellians.  Imagine who would have won the battle for North America if the Natives would have had guns too from the beginning.

Machiavelli did not really stand a chance in our wars in Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam.  Because we were fighting a war of body and mind versus heart warriors willing to die for their families, their homeland and their culture.  And our soldiers that fought without heart came home often mortally wounded but still alive.

The America Civil War and World War II were very bloody but were fought on moral grounds by warrior’s of the heart who could come home intact and remember peace within.  The Civil Rights and the Women’s movements and the sexual revolution were also fought by heart warriors who could win and then enjoy their true victory.

Joseph Stalin had a copy of Machiavelli’s The Prince on his nightstand.  The heart warrior has his or her conscience handy too, already imbedded within their operating system.  So if we are asked to fight the Russians on their own border, after they have been initiated into their warrior hearts by master Machiavellians both East and West, beware.

I offer cosmonomics to add to the scientific and rational understanding of human emotion and empowerment by being heart centered and it is the fruit of my journey lead by spirit into a world where there is a weapon more powerful than a gun.  War is the last stand and always a failure to follow cosmonomics.


Ethics Versus Ideology II: Bioadministration as Antidote


Ethics versus Ideology