From Marx to Stalin: A Case Study for Bioadministration

When Karl Marx first proposed his economic theory of delivering abundance through equality and brotherhood, it was a response to the threat and the opportunity of labor efficiency brought about from the industrial revolution. Manpower was being replaced by machine power driven by the concentrated energy sources brought out of the Earth.  Such a disturbance to an economy will inevitably disturb the political structure.  And Marx, writing at the times of the European wide revolts of 1848, was attempting to harness and design a new and fair way forward in an amazingly secular Christian and spiritually evolved solution.

What Marx did not account for was the human nature of laziness, greed, power and more generalized self-interest.  These inescapable factors to his proposed solution made communist revolutions susceptible to being easily hijacked in the most despotic ways by predatory humans treating other humans as sheep to be herded by fear and slaughtered at will.  Enter Stalin, and the communist state makes everyone its slave and became a depopulation machine.  See China, Cambodia and North Korea for cross reference.  This was a systemic flaw of Marxism and reveals the path of every other utopian dream aka Jonestown and Waco.

The risk is inherent within any grand redesign of the social and economic structure even if it is a noble attempt to prevent human suffering due to massive technological change.  If we look closely at every political, economic or spiritual tradition of grand design the only factor is how long it takes before it becomes the embodied anti-thesis to its own theory.  For communism, its dream of a grand familial and tribal sharing became a shared slave-like suffering within years lasting for decades.  Christianity and its ethos of love and forgiveness took a century to become totally corrupted in its mass applications.  Now that financial capitalism has conquered the human world, without limits is starving for more collateral and on the path to eating itself out of a home planet.

So it is with great patience and care have I been my own Devil to the epiphany I downloaded twenty-five years ago named bioadministration.  The idea of using the human blueprint for all human organizations is a theory already perfectly designed and reconciled with Earth.  Darwin and God would agree (IMHO). But little me, having read much history, including the case study of the secular Christ named Marx now being the patron saint of embodied evil, made me extremely cautious with any blind acceptance or application of bioadminsitration. 

With all this as preamble, enter artificial intelligence (AI).  A disturbance is befalling humanity at a logarithmic scale we can only feel the first tremors of.  Where the industrial revolution took 100 years to bring forth WWI and industrial-scale warfare led by political leaders (and cousins) still beholden to the cavalry charge, the AI revolution, being mind based, will be adopted much faster, with greater concentrated impact and open to the massive mistakes the mind can make for heart and body.  Sitting back and watching this tsunami hit humanity without an attempted preventive response is not worthy of being human.

If this choice is made to preemptively respond, at least in theoretical proposal, to the AI tidal wave it is reinforced by the current circumstance of every Western government being functionally bankrupt and whose economic and cultural foundations are already being washed away by mass migrations and collapsing globalization.  History says we are almost guaranteed a World War…and with AI assistance.  Is this enough reason to act? Even if someday bioadministration becomes a greater tool of enslavement?

Marx was not wrong to try, only wrong to not reconcile Christ and the Devil within the same organization.  Utopianism is just as wrong as Nihilism in isolation. Life is the reconciliation of these two extreme limits that always push us back to the center.  Bioadministration is life’s blueprint.  Can it be abused? Of course. But only temporarily and with cosmic-level forces pushing us back to homeostasis.

Stalin was the Devil to Marx’s Christ, the spleen’s death to the liver’s life.  As humanity takes over more and more of the functions of Nature, who has always acted as our adversary and enforcer, then our organization of humanity will need to embody that testing and pruning function ourselves. Ouch. That is such a big and dangerous step for humanity to take.  The Nazis tried this almost a century ago and the German people are still scarred and unforgiven. 

Does gene splicing, gain of function, life extension and AI already threaten Nature’s safety limits today?

One reason I have nursed bioadministration for a quarter of a century was to birth the entire structure of a new living civilization.  Not a lopsided monster. Bioadministration is only the ruler of the mind and an appropriate governing structure.  Cosmonomics is the science of human purpose within the cosmos and therefore what rules the heart, not bioadminsitration.  Citadelization is the counterbalancing force to bioadministration’s centralization by individualized living human cells acting in self-interest to enforce a win-win relationship within the entire organization. 

The celestial three body problem applied to the human mind, heart, body is only resolved by the mystery of the three becoming one by this thing we call being alive around a harmonious zero point.  When we can apply this truth to humanity’s organization we can face the “other”, be it Nature, the Devil, AI or first contact, in our most reconciled and resilient expression of our humanity.  


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