Personal Magic

When people think about magic, it is usually images from the television that arise.  Witches or wizards speaking powerful words and doing terrible things.  That fantasy overlay in our mind blocks us from seeing the real magic being word and image smithed by politicians, intelligence agencies and advertisers all around us.  Citadelization is white magic, the defensive kind, that shields our personal space. Inside and outside.

Black magic is, without knowledge or consent, changing reality to manipulate people or manipulating people to change reality.  We live in a world that still operates on a “survival of the fittest” at the mental level and the competition for our attention, emotional and will power is the true battleground of this civilization.  Why the white magic to defend ourself is not taught as a foundational life lesson like reading and brushing your teeth supports us living in darkness and being easily preyed upon.

So, as befits everything we explore here on this blog, looking within to how our own human organization operates can educate us and make us more healthy and resilient.  The latest science on the DNA in the nucleus of every cell no longer says that our DNA is a fixed code like a computer’s operating system.  Our DNA and its pattern structure is an antenna connected to a transceiver sending and receiving a unique signal.  Our own personal magic signal.

Fortunately, our cell’s nucleus containing our DNA is very well protected.  Our immune system is highly sensitive to viruses that enter our cells to hijack their reproductive code and will destroy the entire cell to stop the corruption of our DNA. Even this latest attack on DNA via messenger RNA vaccine technology is a terrible failure unless its purpose is to kill not manipulate. An organ transplant needs an immune suppressant so our bodies are highly sensitive to evaluating and maintaining self versus non-self boundaries at the subconscious level.  This boundary, made conscious, is like elevating our body’s immune system to the mental level.

Personal magic is the white magic that acts to defend the boundary layer our mental immune system creates.  Citadelization’s core principle is to know thyself.  Life requires each human to be an independent entity capable of independent action.  Life knows that “follow the leader” is always an experimental journey into a darkness and life supports true intelligent action arising from the centripetal intelligence of a group of sovereign individuals feeling their way forward together.  Consciousness is enhanced by personal action and responsibility to a group while consciousness is diminished by the surrender to any alien program.

When I first started my own spiritual journey it was in response to my own awakening to my personality and my ego performing unconscious black magic as my operating system.  I needed other people’s approval to feed my sense of self and as my self grew stronger I needed more food of attention from others.  This path led me to run for political office and the perpetual feast that position offers. I was competing in a world where the personal magic was of the black variety.  Facing the fact that I wanted to be one of “them” manipulating myself to manipulate others came crashing down upon my soul. 

My spiritual journey was a starvation diet on my ego and personality while my soul went on many journeys to retrieve the pieces of my true self I had left behind.  Being co-dependent is needing other people’s energy to fill the holes in my own being.  Slowly a house of cards that could be pulled down by anyone I was dependent upon became a crystalline lattice, like DNA, that vibrated my own unique signal.  My own personal magic became stronger and stronger as I recovered my true self. And as I set myself free I was also setting free all the people in my life I had enticed or allowed to set up co-dependent loops with.

People have sat around fires forever because fire is the sun’s personal magic radiating out warmth and truth.  We have replaced fire with the human-programmed light of the television and the internet.  Staring at a fire tells us who we are, without words.  Staring at a television can only tell us who we are and are not if we remain very conscious and connected to our conscience.  Actually surfing the internet is either possessing your soul or an very advanced course in magic, white versus black.

To practice the kind of citadelization built upon knowing thyself is a combination of sitting before the fire of truth while also bathing in the light of the world and all it has to offer.  Both polarities feed the other like a battery with its two opposite poles.  A monk that sits meditating in a monastery and a drugged-up teenager at a party are examples of the two poles. Neither is very strong without the other.  The true test of your personal magic comes from living it in all conditions.  Life is our perfect teacher if we take every interaction with life as an opportunity to learn more about the boundary zone of self versus non-self.

The highest level of white magic is practiced by the grandmothers and grandfathers who have truly walked the path of knowing thyself.  Eventually, that road leads to touching God within and finding the Oneness of all beings.  Then there is no need to patrol so strictly the boundary of self versus non-self.  The light in wise elder’s eyes is the same light radiating from the Eternal campfire.  Warmth and truth is an invincible combination.  Move towards it and become the Eternal fire, with a personal magic to shine.


Cosmonomic New World Order


Biological Administration