Biological Administration

The management of living biological systems is founded upon trial and error and success as ruled and remembered by nature and the environment.  Whereas a human-designed system of manufacturing or commerce can withstand large human intervention and design, our living human organism is a machine whose complexity can barely be understood, no less managed by the conscious human mind.

Biological administration involves a home base of health and thriving we know as homeostasis from which to venture forth from and to return to.  The human mind is given enough control over the biological organism to make small exploratory journeys while the feedback systems of the body give immediate feedback of those choices.  Trying a new plant is backed up by the vomit reflex.  Exploring by smell has instinctual turn-ons and turn-offs.  Sounds can be pleasing or fear-inducing.  And then the grandaddy of pain gives the most serious feedback.  Thankfully, none of these reflexes is controlled by the part of the brain we can mess with.

Life is such a powerful standing wave of biological administration it could be considered a parental relationship with our infantile minds getting to fool around with this complex machinery in hopes of learning ….what?  Cosmonomics says our biological vehicle is a soul battery and charging station that thrives on the division and reconciliation of a daily soap opera.  But that is the icing on the cake. How do we dumb humans learn our soul patterns and needs? By exploring. Bioadministration is the vehicle design based on the intelligent (subconscious) part of our mind. Not the dumb part.  Humans live and have been instinctually trained for over a thousand generations on how to keep our exploratory minds contained and alive by our subconscious minds.

Too often our collective mind, our government, wants to play in the realm and manipulate the conscious choice part of our brain. But it should be obvious that government needs to be designed around the unconscious part of our brain that holds homeostasis and all the feedback mechanisms.  Organizing our common mind to allow for personal experimentation is natural.   Organizing humanity to follow an exploration beyond what nature has already taught us has, to date, been led by divine intervention or blind personal delusion.  Both end up in a big human lesson (die-off) and mass soul disturbance. 

Government, run by bioadministration, must ensure against any single cell or single idea from dominating homeostasis or hijacking the feedback systems.  Examples of this include, public policy and regulation that encourage monopoly.  What is most “efficient”, i.e. globalization, is also fragile.  Fragility for the sake of maximization can exist in the single cell, but it cannot long reside as the homeostasis of a system design.  

Nor can we long distort homeostasis by the corruption of our feedback system.  A person who chooses a sugar drink over water trains the organization of digestion to need an abundance of extra gut microbes. These freeloaders can consume large amounts of sugar to keep stress off of the liver and pancreas from constantly having to spend precious enzymatic fluids to ensure homeostasis.  A government that overspends its budget for what may seem benevolent and “sweet” actions changes the definition of homeostasis by changing the human behavior of those people receiving the excess sugar via social programs.

A government that attempts to manipulate its people for an agenda (good or evil) is not doing its job to hold homeostasis as its core mission.  It is attempting to manipulate homeostasis for a purpose that nature has already rejected as less resilient.  Applying the core truth of all biological organizations, “hold the center” works because what has been tested and has proven its worth is included within the subconscious mind.  Instinct. Traveling from the center to explore is an individual hero’s journey to discover some new knowledge to bring home to the tribe.  The tribe is the homeostasis and the unconscious mind that listens to the experimental ideas brought from human exploration to determine its value and potential incorporation into instinct. 

I was a very resistant adopter of the wisdom of bioadministration because of my fear of giving any more power to a corrupt mind or government.  I found balance with citadelization and higher purpose with cosmonomics but that was not enough.  The mind must have its own principles of constraint within itself.  Government needs its own internal law and reason even if not contained, confronted and confounded by the heart and the body.  Recognizing the conscious/subconscious split within the mind is the mind’s internal mechanism of self-control.

A government designed via the principles of bioadministration to hold the homeostasis based on instinct and remain sensitive to the feedback channels for rapid adjustment will eventually be established as the best form of government because this is how our own mind best works and keeps the risk/reward balance.  The more grounded in homeostasis our body, heart and mind are the more healthy, peaceful, and curious we become.

A government that follows bioadministration will naturally manage from the healthiest, most peaceful and most curious place by the strength and depth of its internal reconciliation around its zero point.  Homeostasis.  The zero point is the powerpoint and the wisdom place.  When our government reflects power and wisdom it will be reflecting nature’s already perfect design of the subconscious holding the center for the conscious to explore and learn.  

People that want to use government to run mass experiments should be shunned as dangerous.  People who embody the instinct of humanity and who always gravitate to the center are our best governors.


Personal Magic


Ritualizing the Death Journey