Ritualizing the Death Journey

If I took my car to a mechanic because it had low power, he (or she) would probably use a computer to diagnose it.  In the old days, pre-computer diagnostics, the old school mechanic would put his hand up against the exhaust pipe to determine how much air was being exhausted, at what pressure and also its smell.  A doctor of civilization, diagnosing a powerless culture would certainly look at its relationship with death, the exhaust point of human life on Earth.

To review, the cosmonomic view of our biosphere on Earth is as a huge battery of third force, in potential.  Water, electricity and soul are three levels of reconciliation of the third force upon which the biosphere depends and acts.  When our greater body of the solar system meets a disturbance or a potential meal to assimilate it needs third force to restore harmony and homeostasis just like our bodies use catalytic enzymes to digest foreign proteins.

The death journey is not just the exhaust in the pipe, it is the harvest and release of the power source driving a greater level of life above us.  We humans only think we are at the top of the food chain.  The reconciliation of all the accumulated contradictions of our life into an ecstatic harmony at death is that harvest.  Are we being eaten by God?  If you consider your liver making complex compounds to digest the meal you just ate as being eaten by you, their ’god’, then yes.  I prefer to see death as my opportunity to ensure the life I have just enjoyed needs me and can only continue with my sacrifice. It’s my turn.

The great and powerful cultures of history learned about cosmonomics, under other names or by no name but instinct and conscience.  They knew that the quality of the death journey determines the level and reconciling power of third force produced.  How many stories do we have of the harmonizing power of the ritual death of the most pure and innocent?  A pure and open heart traversing the zero point becomes a vacuum cleaner sweeping the unreconciled patterns and the sins of the tribe into Eternity.

Of course, we have all heard how the ritualization of the death journey has been abused.  The people or the priest class demand a single point of sacrifice to prevent everyone from carrying their own cross up the hill.  The virgin maiden is thrown into the volcano.  Christ is crucified on the cross.  A public stoning and blood on the Earth pay for an abundant harvest.  I was just talking with a millennial practitioner of the mushroom/cacao ceremony from central Mexico used historically to prepare to have a living heart cut out.

Any concentration of power is open to abuse by we humans and our organizations.  And there is no more powerful substance or process humans can ever touch than the creation of third force via reconciliation in death.  Therefore, a doctor of civilization, like the mechanic diagnosing the exhaust flow, will certainly look closely at how a culture handles death and how it “feeds the gods” during periods of biosphere distress.  

Sometimes the doctor, who has “already died” or already surrendered all his contradictions and sins up for harvest, will travel to the zero point to feel the pressure and smell the exhaust.  He feels the flow of third force into Eternity and sees if there is any unburned fuel or build-up of carbon in the pipes. Carbon refusing to go through the zero point might be considered demons that haunt the death journey.  Unburned fuel might be a systemic error in the cultural software that allows for fuel to reach the psychic realm and to feed vortexes that gurus and religions build between the world of the living and the zero point. A limited hangout.  A doctor might be called to ‘encourage’ demons into the zero point or to bust up a “heavenly” vortex of energy clogging the doorway to Eternity.

With all that said to give context to an eternal mystery that helps determine the cultural power of a civilization, the highest performance system is as follows.  First, is our relationship with El Diablo, the divider.  It is essential to understand the devil as a divine role we all play for others that creates the separation and distinction and, yes, the wounds that create our personalities, our egos, our stories and even the way we walk and talk.  Second, the mature life involves mastering our personality and our ego and all our patterns of uniqueness as gifts to organize a successful life.  And then, there is the harvest time. A Christed death.

Death without an open heart and in fear is a sin against nature and life that will be corrected in the psychic realm.  This is not fun for the human or the beings that help you play out your fears forever until expired.  Death with an open heart is the most powerful and transformative moment that our entire life’s journey has been preparing us for.  We are filled with rocket fuel.  A heart attack is an uncontrolled triggering and recapitulation of our life’s contradictions into Eternity.

The Devil divides, Christ reconciles.  Be in forgiveness and everything else is only painful if we resist what we were created for and have been preparing our whole life to do…give life by being the ritual death of an innocent heart.  The payday is an ecstatic high G blast off back to Eternity.


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