Citadelization and Our Immune System

Immune cells and blood cells are unique in that they arise from the marrow of our hollow bones.  They are cells apart from all other cells which arise from the parentage within the organ structure in which they will serve their entire lifespan.  Immune cells and blood cells are gifted with the ability to travel whereas all others are born in station, unable to migrate to a new home, a new job, a new set of friends. Being stationary makes a citadel the natural structural response and method of definition.

Each healthy cell has a semi-impervious wall with portals and passkeys for entry.  Much like our greater biosphere, we humans live on the planet’s surface and are the gateways for the exchange of energy into and out of Earth. And each cell wall is sensitive to the outer environment and acts essentially as our mind and our sense organs do for the whole human.  Being scrupulous upon inspection of what we allow into our inner world is the cell’s immune system and then there’s no need or worry for our big brother immune system to show up.

But as life has become more complex and specialized each cell cannot simply depend on its own ability to save itself.  Life has learned how important it is to deal with intruders at all our major portals before they are allowed into the body and just show up at our front door. Like our human justice system is designed to work, we find value in offloading the community policing responsibility to specialized humans.  And the more harmonious the relationship between people and police, the community can thrive.

Therefore, with this groundwork, what is the proper win-win relationship between our immune system and our justice system?  First, our home should be impenetrable by any outside force uninvited.  Even a human cell whose DNA replication equipment has been hijacked by a virus doesn’t let a white blood cell in. It dies first.  And we humans must too be made vulnerable to the consequences of being infected with a mind virus that is antithetical to life.  I, for one, am willing to be sacrificed for the sake of the whole if I am spewing a toxic brew into the environment under two conditions.  First, the immune system or the justice system is uncorrupted and fair towards all cells.  And two, the mind virus is truly anti-life, not an evolution of the basic ethos of the mind of humanity.

If I am stationary and cannot act for myself, then my life and well-being depend upon an organization that requires rules and a justice system to enforce those rules.  I must submit to those rules and, with the enforcement of the immune system, my life depends on the rest of the organization following the rules.  My job as a citadel, that I can control is to protect my boundaries and to ensure I am absorbing and husbanding the basic elements my life needs to remain functional in the most extreme circumstances.  The stronger my citadel and all those other healthy cells, the greater the freedom of action the immune system has to perform its function. This includes fevers, purges, and starvation to name a few tools our immune system use in extremis.

One of the main and basic tools of a white blood cell is hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, water plus an extra oxygen molecule. O3, is ozone, air with an extra oxygen.  Both float in their medium looking to oxidize anything that does not have an oxygen to donate.  Carbon monoxide in the air, while vitamins C and E are anti-oxidants healthy cells have ready to donate when a white blood cell grabs a hold of your cell wall to check you out. Our agreement with our immune system is to be healthy or to be oxidized (burned).

In a complex society or organism, to be healthy is to depend upon a system of laws and agreements which nature and evolution have selected for and learned to enforce.  If there is no immune system then even the smallest organization will invent one. You sleep while I watch and then we will trade jobs.  If the immune system becomes corrupted like a mafia gang with its “protection racket” then the cells and businesses eventually fight back or die.  If the justice system that guides law enforcement becomes ruthless and overactive then like autoimmunity the body is attacking itself.  In every case of an out-of-authority immune system, there’s only one truly effective response, citadelization.  Removal from the system to the maximum extent possible.  If you cannot move and the “man” has overwhelming force there’s only one successful path, starting with non-compliance.

The more citadels follow strategies of non-compliance and, in effect, self-sufficiency in layers of individuals, then family, then neighborhood, then community the greater resiliency the entire organism contains.  Minds and immune systems, governments and justice systems are the outer shell and the guiding force of a complex organism.  They are more prone to systemic error and disease by the nature of their mission to explore on the outside and coordinate on the inside.

We should have compassion for the humans that succumb to the idea that leadership will be fun and rewarding.  It is a test of soul that eats most alive.  Citadelization teaches those that sit back and watch and judge and complain how to best support the system we are born in and generally cannot escape.  Be internally resilient and be a strong, loud yes and no to our leaders.  This is the ethos our own trillions of cells have learned the hard way for thousands of generations.  Follow their lead first.


Ritualizing the Death Journey


Immune System