Immune System

When I first started exploring bioadministraion and the use of the human blueprint for humanity, confronting the application of our internal immune system to our government and justice system gave me a mighty pause.  Few humans understand how ruthless our bodies impose death upon alien invaders and in harvesting formerly useful cells.  Imagining giving our current politicians, or even the most enlightened humans, the power of life and death over every human as routinely and dispassionately as our own internal immune system triggered revulsion within me.

I was born on the Fourth of July and my commitment to freedom of thought, feeling and action is the hallmark of my being.  And here I was the human vehicle given spiritual assignment to reconcile the massive contradiction between different levels of biological organization. Order and discipline within expressing total freedom of action.  That contradiction might be able to live in a few demigods and psychopaths but having met true servants of humanity in and out of human body, I knew there was something very special about the harmonization of inside and outside to discover. 

On a personal level, as a full-blooded German born free in America after WWII, I could not reject the Nazis as just total evil, as portrayed and propagandized.  Scarily organized? Yes.  Surrendered freedom for a cause? Absolutely.  Their big sin against history is they fought for their country.  All the previous “Nazis” had fought for their God, their messenger or against their enslavers, like the communist revolt against an aristocracy.  Brutality and ethnic cleansing, like each of our immune systems with annual flu, were fairly common throughout history.

What is this human propensity to create congregations of self against other both inside and out?  Is competing for resources and mating possibilities while slaughtering the outsider our limit?  No. We all seek harmony that gives rise to satisfaction, be it after sex, after a tasty meal, watching our children play, hearing and seeing fine art or looking at some structure we built.  The ultimate satisfaction is with our own soul and conscience and union with our created purpose.  Populations under stress are very susceptible to mass formations of group thought hijacked by powerful stories told by aforesaid demigods and psychopaths.

What does this have to do with the immune system?  Comparing the borderline between self and non-self at all levels inside and out can reveal the laws by which to design a well-functioning immune system.  The vast majority of our human immune system lives in our gut.  We humans forget how ruthlessly we kill to eat and gather energy.  To ensure strong division between self and non-self we have strong border guards stationed at the cell wall of our intestines.  Each guard is a judge of self versus non-self.

But who holds the program of what is self? You might say the mind or the government. But you would be wrong. The culture and the ethos of a group of people built from a shared experience of place and circumstance and challenge is held in a morphogenic field around a people.  The same thing happens with an individual human.  Our immune system and its border guards work for a center of being that is a mysterious combination of natural and spiritual forces who have the ultimate commitment to life.

We all know we cannot trust our life to our conscious minds.  Or our government for that fact.  Ask the communists. No, there is a culture of life that underlies everything.  It breathes us when we are asleep and changes the beat of our heart to keep the exchange of oxygen and carbon stable. It also stands guard at the lining of intestines and it organizes groups of people with stories that create a sense of self and security.  Whereas, an overactive immune system and a culture that cannot assimilate change end up attacking themselves.

This journey towards harmony of all life in its myriad forms and levels of organization is the ultimate mystery I have been exploring for decades now.  Harmony can only be won by reconciliation, not consumption or ethnic cleansing.  You and no group of Nazis will ever conquer the world by eating everything in their path.  Because the greater immune system serves life not by the vehicle of death but by reconciliation into harmony.  Every culture, every being grows by its ability to assimilate more and more life harmoniously.

Death is a tool of life. Sharp but with a sheath.

A doctor of civilization knows the tuning of the immune system within and the justice system (not the government) for humanity is the key to health.  Both must be ruthlessly fair and both must serve the harmony that gives life.  More design tips to follow.  


Citadelization and Our Immune System


Water and Electricity