Divided Consciousness

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know how I treat this fundamental idea of division and all its assigned power. With respect. From division’s father and namesake, the Devil, or the Latin el Diablo (the Divider) to the fundamental physics of electricity and energy storage, I respect the necessity of lawful separation and created boundary layers like I trust and depend upon insulation on copper wires.  What some call evil is a necessary part of this operating system.

Today, we will discuss our own internal “Devil’s Advocate” inside our mind we experience as a divided consciousness.  Yes or no. More or less. Stay or run.  Two sides of one coin. Countless times a day we are measuring, evaluating, and choosing based upon inputs from our sensory organs.  And depending upon the conditions of the external world, civilized or uncivilized, also creates another intensity vector of divided consciousness and how long we can live free without it.

After all, to even have a sense of self and a boundary from non-self is only possible through division. Where the Jesus in us is selfless and whose power comes from oneness and compassion, his brother, the Devil, is always the bouncer who keeps the internal peace and sense of self from being overrun. When we really study this division between the heart and the head, attempting to favor one and banish the other is not well-supported or sustainable.

In fact, my best choices on the most important issues in life have come when I let my Jesus and my Devil voices be in conflict until eventually they both agree on a path neither could see before the wrestling match commenced.  Divided consciousness is the first step to any new realization and higher consciousness.  Reconciliation is the flat part of the step.  A place of resting homeostasis in preparation for the next assault on a higher truth beginning again with a divided consciousness.

Our circumstance of being alive on Earth is often called the Great Mystery for a reason.  Divided consciousness is only a barrier if we forget to play the game that begins with wondering why.  Spinning around a mental squirrel cage of yes and no with no escape is the prison side of divided consciousness.  But what happens when we realize that both yes and no are “right” or “wrong”?  The prison door opens into the next higher level of mystery.

The divine-like innocence of a child only stays for so long.  After learning to walk, then talk, next is to question why.  From innocence arises a desire to know and the power of wondering begins with seeing two sides.  Our trillions of cells have discovered how two hands, two feet, two eyes and two ears gift us enhanced ability to sense and manipulate our surroundings.  The two halves of our brain or our brain and our heart are our designated division that allows us to grab a mental piece of the Great Mystery for study.

But divided consciousness is a useful tool with a dangerous barbed tail. Modern science is built upon what I call perfect delusion. So is our ego and personality.  In the infinite void of Eternity, the only islands of sanity are those we built for ourselves.  An endless loop of yes and no are two answers to a question that is not a real question. But the space created between the yes and the no by attempting to wrestle with the Great Mystery is rewarded by a solid place to stand, even if built out of thin air.

My reader may be wondering by now “So what’s the point?”.  Our entire reality is built upon a division of zero into a positive one and a negative one, a divided consciousness.  And occasionally the cosmic fisherman comes along dragging a net to see which divided consciousnesses have grown an endless loop of a yes and a no into a tasty meal.  The way to avoid getting caught is to not allow our divided consciousness to grow beyond a useful minnow size.  Big enough to explore the Great Mystery but small enough to swim through the holes in the fisherman’s net.

Bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization are strategies to remain as close to zero as possible. Humans and humanity keep letting our divided consciousness seduce us into self-inflated dramas that get us easily caught in the cosmic net.

The chase is fun, for a minute.  I recommend staying slippery.  Use divided consciousness, but don’t let it use you.


The Power of No


Our Human Drama