Our Human Drama

Several members of my tribe are going through difficult trials of initiation this fall.  We humans are blessed with the ability to imagine, of intensification by becoming emotionally invested and the willpower to sustain self-direction.  So why do our best attributes and intentions so often fail in the face of the human drama here on Earth?

There is no doubt a very wide range to the human experience. Billionaires and debt slaves.  Olympians and autism.  Beauties and beasts.  Is anything fair?  Are there any rules for winning or losing the game?  Are we being messed with by some higher power like the bet on Job between God and the Devil?

Gurdjieff taught that the first law we could master and escape from was the Law of Accident.  By becoming conscious through self-remembering (owning each breath) we could ensure no random acts of the human drama could visit us.  Only events our soul had subconsciously agreed to.

Remember the science of cosmonomics teaches us there is a substance we humans must produce within our mind, heart, body organization through division and reconciliation.  Evil and good is a human-dressed dramatization of the negative and positive polarities of energy generation and of storage batteries.  We make up stories and found religions trying to get psychological and divine relief from our own human condition, to be divided and then forced into reconciliation for a higher purpose.

We humans live inside of a greater living body but we cannot see beyond our own “organ” or know what our whole organism is really doing.  We do know beyond any doubt that solar flares, cosmic rays and space weather have tremendous geological and biological effects upon humanity,  Earth and our biosphere.  The connection revealed with cosmonomics is why we are being triggered and how we respond most efficiently to return ourselves and our greater body to homeostasis.

I have discussed several times how I triangulated the Holy Grail of cosmonomics, the zero point. This point of homeostasis of the higher being we live within is a dimensional doorway through which a reconciled soul can enter or leave, or in my case, tap into the central nervous system of our host.  Simultaneously holding the consciousness of our human suffering on Earth with the zero point’s vibration of the “peace that surpasses all understanding” is the greatest teacher known to man. Give it a try.

There is an unbroken chain of every event since humanity’s original division into good and evil swirling in countless endless loops progressing into the vortex surrounding the zero point if we are conscious enough and open enough to bare seeing and feeling our human drama.  Once you can hold both extremes as a whole inside your own being then you can be a doorway through which the human drama is relieved.

Throughout all history, every tribe and civilization around the world had a technique to “appease the gods”.  Ingesting an entheogen, ecstatic dance, conscious suffering, ritual sacrifice and weekly gatherings of forgiveness and prayer are all attempts to restore homeostasis within the cosmic order.

We are not very good at this today. Social media is a cesspool we enjoy shitting and swimming in.  Politics is a blood sport.  God is dead for most.  Is it any wonder there is so much uninvited drama in our lives?  When we run, we are chased.  When we stand and see our condition, even the scariest demons are in fear for their lives.  Because a “demon” is simply an endless loop of divided consciousness living inside of our human drama waiting to be harvested upon demand.

We humans do have power over the human drama once we understand and accept our place in the cosmic order. Begin with cosmonomics and realize we are cells within a greater body tasked with purpose.  What we call drama and accident is the growing of a higher food.  Death and transcendence is the preparation of the meal.  Make it hearty and tasty and the human drama will be much more fun and easy for the rest of humanity.


Divided Consciousness


Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence III