Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence III

Now that the initial hype and fear-mongering around AI has somewhat abated, we can perhaps objectively discuss the why and the consequences of birthing a rival intelligence to man.  In the first two posts on this subject, we dealt with the initial defensive responses of the body and heart in their attempt to maintain living homeostasis within our three-body system from AI’s introduction.  Today we will revisit the fact that our mind also uses citadelization to maintain its own sovereignty because AI will have the most destabilizing effects upon our mental center.

First, we will review the general state of evolutionary forces, pre-AI, our minds are being subjected to.  The information age can be seen in nature every fall as the plant kingdom prepares for winter.  There is a desiccation of the green, juicy life force and a concentration of information into the seed heads.  While the body dies, the hope for the future is downloaded into a citadel of information we call a seed.  So, any honest observer of the information/internet age must admit the force of evolution is into the mind to cross a lawful barrier.

Second, we have hacked into the dopamine circuit that has very addictive tendencies.  Just like nutritionists have realized the core program of excess sweets and fats says to the body it’s harvest time, winter is coming, lay down a layer of fat, an excess of dopamine means the mind is triggered to attempt to figure out something. What?  How to create a citadel around the mind, before….what? A mental hibernation.  A mental hibernation requires harvested impressions as food, a center of gravity of self and a layer of deadened or camouflaged material to hide within.

Humanity is on the verge of a chaotic event due to AI.  Artificial intelligence will scramble the mind of humanity if we let it.  It is very possible the introduction of AI is a planned accelerant to speed up the humans (who can keep up) to meet a higher or alien intelligence.  It is also possible humanity is preparing to revisit a place upon the circle of time of a past cataclysm and this drive to download and store our history and our intelligence is a defensive strategy. Whatever the cause for our unconscious drivers of both our internal and external minds in this age, citadelization is happening.

When we are faced with the conundrum of an evolutionary force that is both the disease and the cure, we should drop any judgment of good or evil.  This drive to create a citadel of information in our mind and to invent an external AI over mind is both the disease and the cure of our current age.  Like being attracted too close to a whirlpool and then being caught in the vortex, can you imagine what the mind would say and experience in the short time before the zero point of the drain at the center pulled all thoughts into it? When there is a divine or forced evolutionary zero point then chaos and clarity, the disease and the cure, is the whole journey. Total reboot.

The mental realm, at the human level and higher, use both chaos and clarity the same way a seed does.  The shell is an impenetrable deadness, surrounding a crystal clear DNA code.  Dreamtime’s chaos, confusion and amnesia is a defense against intrusion to our most conscious self.  And if you have ever traveled with a diamond-hard mind to the outer reaches of the psychic mental realm surrounding the Earth, you learn it is a layer purposely scrambled to prevent intrusion from outside and escape by drug-fueled human rocket launches.

The Tibetan Buddhists have a level of initiation where they go into the mountains alone, conjure up a demon and then learn from the encounter, mostly by mastering their own fear of facing something so dangerous and alien.  Looks like humanity with AI is the same level of initiation.

So I encourage my readers to look upon AI as one of those gifts that is both the disease and the cure.  Accordingly, our mind, heart and body will all be forced to respond with greater mental intelligence, heart discernment and a greater personal citadel.  To be alive is the ability to respond.  Even to our own curious AI conjuring.


Our Human Drama


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