Bioadministration and the Redemption of Liberalism

The liberal world order and its project in the West is in panic.  The outbreak of the war between Israel and the Palestinians with its brutality on both sides and the mass protests along with whispered conspiracies all over the Western world effectively calling for the extinction of one side or the other has brought the traditional liberals to their knees in despair and even, perhaps soon, in prayer.  The West has been living in a historic bubble of idealism and has just been slapped in the face by realism. What to do?

I can sympathize. Deeply.  I am a father to three millennial daughters who have spit the bit of patriarchy to such a degree they can no longer appreciate the world I created around them to not only allow but encourage their liberal upbringing and full expression.  What a gift to me.  All my efforts at control via traditional patriarchal tools short of violence have proven nearly ineffective while love, understanding and compassion of a more divine fatherhood have emerged.  I have surrounded myself with my greatest teachers.  This is the way life is supposed to work when we cannot escape through separation or violence.

This is the liberal’s dilemma.  They live their lives and apply their rules through the system that patriarchy built and enforces but when that organizing principle arises boldface to the surface, a la Gaza, they automatically rebel against its necessity.  This cognitive dissonance has allied religious jihadists with liberals decrying the violence to take to the streets together shouting “From the river to the sea”—a call to genocide as the solution.

Bioadministration is never so confused. Political science may salt the Earth of extreme patriarchy and Nazi-ism but our inner organization, in health, gives extreme order its due in third parts of every day as focused will and attention or we are living beneath our basic human potential.  During viral infection, our immune system goes door to door killing any cell stupid or weak enough to have allowed in an alien ideology to hijack its reproductive system of cell division.  Why? To save the life that still has collective purpose and wants to live.

The West has yet to trigger its own immune system for fear of looking like a Nazi, or now, a Zionist.  Inclusion and openness was our superpower that has become our kryptonite. Because we lost sight of our true self and of our true nature that delivered us into the modern world.  Namely, our ability to fight and win a total war for life the way we want to live it.  The Revolutionary War, the Civil War and World War II. Being free means we must occasionally prove to ourself and to the universe we remember the zero point of maximum life force is equal parts of liberalism and dictatorship in harmonious embrace.

Bioadministration is a blueprint for the manifestation of the liberal ideal of win-win cooperation.  Bioadministarion is also a blueprint for division from foreign proteins and uncontrolled invasion that cannot be assimilated by being a “Nazi” about our purity of self. The only political organization and philosophy that can possibly react to the dying of Western freedom and idealism is the well-worn path every human must travel back to health.  A temporary war of self versus non-self.

I respect Islam’s unity of purpose.  I also respect my own daughters’ confrontations to my fatherhood and revealing my own limits to liberalism.  I love evolution and Nature who enforce the true order of things encompassed within bioadministration.  A true heart warrior has the sharpest sword of violence at their ready disposal because they are fully invested with unified mind, heart and body… and they are rested… and well-provoked.

I love my sword because it sets me free.  A violent immune response committed to life will save liberalism.  They can never be divorced no matter how confused the drama may become before the clarity to act arises.  Trust the process.


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