Cosmonomics of War III

In my second installment on the cosmonomics of war, I began to present alternatives to prevent the outbreak of warfare.  Reconciliation does not have to be forced by death to be deep and powerful, but it sure is quick, handy and reliable.  With central banks and nukes we have the ability for both sustained war and total annihilation.  We also have habit and political manipulation to contend with. To master this demon of war will be no small victory for mankind.

Today, I will begin to discuss a theoretical program of peacekeeping based on a more powerful reconciliation than even a soldier dying to protect their family.  After all, if cosmonomics is correct and humanity is merely responding to cosmic disturbances with forced reconciliation through warfare then we should have some ability to exercise choice on how we produce the reconciling force.

We have tried church, team sports and many other ritual emotional gatherings to create tension and resolve such tension on a schedule of routine maintenance but we have yet to invent the counter balance to war that can be applied tactically and powerfully.  The Red Cross is a hint in this direction as are the United Nations Peacekeepers.  Their problem is any ability to actually impose a peace.  Is there a weapon more powerful than a gun?

As a former naval warrior in my early life, I was trained in combat and saw its power to resolve “issues”. So on the way to my current service of humanity I was once offered during a ritual deep in the Peruvian Amazon by a disembodied voice to leave the circle, come into the jungle and I would be given a weapon “more powerful than a gun”.  Catnip to my Christian savior complex and a perfect seduction to my patriotic warrior.

The story of what happened that night and for many years after is too long for this blog post so I will just go to the end of the story.  Humanity will one day have both the conscious power to start a war, no mystery there, and also have the conscious power to end a war, even in the middle of a powerful and protracted blood lust.

Think about your own gut bacteria. The type and quality of our gut biome is a previously undiscovered key to manage the internal warfare that arises each time we eat a meal.  The goal of the body is to gain energy by assimilating sugars, fats and proteins and to return to homeostasis as soon as possible.  And depending upon our routine mix of foods we will develop the best bacteria in our gut to help the process.

Even if we are being unhealthy and consuming excess sugars, our body will do its very best to match the input, even if we grow candida to eat the excess sugar.  Homeostasis is the key. even if that means carrying around an extra twenty pounds of completely unnecessary bacterial baggage just to sop up the extra sugars and prevent diabetes or Alzheimer’s.  And what happens when you try to stop feeding all those bacterial lives you created to maintain your sugar addiction?  They are innocent. They come calling as our internal addicts dug into the walls of our intestines crying to be fed or they will starve and die.

This is the problem with war.  It leaves our human control to easily stop because it has been the habit and routine to restore homeostasis for too long.  It is that standing wave of forced reconciliation that becomes an additive blood lust we must learn to interdict to break the cycle.  Can peacekeeping discover a weapon more powerful than a gun?

The only thing that can stop an indigestion quickly is a better digestive enzyme.  The power to disturb is well known. The power to be able to force an end to a war and return to homeostasis is the next step for humanity.

Blessed and bad ass will be the Peacemakers. To be continued…


Bioadministration and the Redemption of Liberalism


Fighting for Attention