Bioadministration: The Leveling

Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Profit, saw many things past, present and future.  When he was asked to look into the 21st century he said there would be a great “leveling” of people and their class structure.  Being an American, post Great Depression, and not some Brahman or Untouchable of India, he was already living in the most level advanced society on the planet.  And yet he saw more leveling to come. And now, here we are.

Many people today decry the rise (leveling) of China at our expense.  And yet there was a plan after the fall of communism to begin leveling the masses living on $1 dollar a day with the developed world.  Much has been accomplished. Literally hundreds of millions of people have escaped crushing poverty without any really hurtful economic punishment of Americans.  Stagnation? Yes. Leveling? Yes.

Today the fiasco of COVID and the Ukraine war has done much to reverse globalization and to divide the world….perhaps on purpose.  If we are losing the game we used to be winning then quitting the game is an option.  And also these cycles of integration and disintegration come and go.  This cycle is against further integration for a time.  And there is no political system anywhere in the world, save tribalism, that is not completely discredited.  So pucker up my friends. What has been stagnation may become deprivation applied levelly.

But there is a new, yet tested, level political system up ahead. The human blueprint. Bioadministration.  Every cell within the human body has an equality of purpose because there is only one purpose arising from the human need and desire to live.  There are 200 different cell functions. Some cells live much longer than others.  But each cell has a purpose and a feedback mechanism to the whole being.  We are at our best when every cell is focused in the same direction and purpose.  Being level is more than just fair, it is the law of life.

With the leveling brought on by bioadministration few miss how to shave off the billionaire peeks to fill in the valleys of poverty through taxes and redistribution.  The full history of Marxism and communism have salted that ground. True leveling goes both ways.  We must raise up the valleys too with more than a Robin Hood fantasy that has been the fully discredited Marxism and even socialism.  Our healthy human body does not carry around damaged, unproductive cells even if that cell was useful before it was damaged or aged.  With bioadministration, everyone gets full access to their daily bread just like the blood circulatory system carries free oxygen and nutrients to every cell.  And every cell is expected to perform its duty in exchange.  Or to be removed from the system.

The leveling that is to come is based upon a whole new relationship to fairness and to law.  Step one was the internet and social media.  Celebrities, politicians and police are all under a new microscope.  Me Too, George Floyd and Jeffery Epstein’s Island are just the beginning of a reckoning of social justice that is sweeping away the privilege that used to hide in the shadows.  When the true nature of human sex trafficking and the corrupt accounting of the fiat money system (all supported by the unleveled crowd) comes to light, hell will be paid.

Step two of the leveling will be a new wave of social justice against those on the bottom who are also gaming the system.  When the oppressors have been eliminated, what will the victim class use as an excuse for their unwillingness to fully participate in adding life to life.  Having free access to the collective wealth of the organism means no over collection for hoarding…or for laziness in return. There will be one law founded upon fairness for all, whose only infraction is to think you deserve more than your true worth at someone else’s expense.

Step three is the full embodiment of a social, educational, economic and justice system built upon a bioadministration’s win-win compact that provides a level of prosperity no amoeba could have seen what it meant to be a human from the beginning of its journey of evolution.  Some humans may want to remain in a win-lose isolation and we can segregate a portion of our land area for those humans who still want to play the win-lose game. Or just go for a visit.

If bioadministration sounds too harsh, too limiting, too authoritarian then you have yet to see true leveling as a goal of human organization. The only getting ahead that lasts and does not depend on the use and enslavement of other humans is a win-win compact.  Is there any other true win-win organizational blueprint known to mankind?  I’m open to listening. Are you?


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