Citadelization World Order

Despite the “best laid plans of mice and men” cosmic timing and cosmic forces are the arbiter of the course of history soon to be written.  Yes, humans who write the history of the approaching era will attribute the course of events to certain humans while the true forces of Nature we explore three times a week as bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization are yet to receive their due. Today we will talk about the overwhelming impulse currently arising from within every human paying attention to their loins described in the bible as “head(ing) for the hills”.

I will not debate whether our current mental leadership in Washington is captured, are vandals or just plain stupid.  The reaction to current events will be the same depending upon the human.  Some humans will attempt to reform Washington thinking that to be the solution.  Some humans will thrash around in protest and generally vent their emotions into the ethers.  And those humans still in possession of their own mind and heart will listen to their bodily instinct and create citadels to inhabit.

What makes this epochal reset different and much more dangerous lies in three facts.  One, all our food and energy systems are colossal enterprises we as individuals have zero control over.  Two, our fiat monetary system of exchange is not only corrupted at its core with huge holes of “missing” money, it is hugely over leveraged with debt and derivatives and being electronic in nature, can completely disappear overnight.  And three, the cell phone’s capability to react in mass as seen with the flash mobs of marauding youths in cities like Chicago can easily overwhelm the normal bounds of civilizing forces.

So I personally observe all these potentially destabilizing factors and I will be interested some day to analyze the historical narrative that will be written. But I do not allow myself to become paralyzed with fear.  Those humans making it to the interim stage of the Citadelization World Order will use the circumstances they face as fuel to react physically.  Tangible assets, productive capacity and networks of reliable friends and allies will be the wealth of this next age.

Every organism goes through cycles of expansion and contraction, day and night, awake and asleep.  These focusing events are designed into every living system subject to evolution.  Testing through compression and refinement happens at all levels of organization.  Who likes to be tested, inspected and judged?  If the arbiter of success or failure is as impersonal a force as Nature and the Laws of this reality then get on board with the days, events and eras of judgment or you will likely be pruned from life.

Fortunately, for the Earth, the biosphere and all its living creatures it is time for the prime species to get a haircut and a shave and maybe a waxing along with a stress test, an eye test, a proctology exam, a hearing test and some forced navel gazing for good measure.  The foundation of citadelization is the aphorism to Know Thyself.  Self knowledge only comes through feedback loops and today's feedback loops are more distracting and justifying than challenging and informing.  This will change quickly as all the tools our leaders and influencers have used to distract us from ourselves collapse.

So, Noah, you have heard the words of a coming flood.  How will you build your ark?  Who will you invite in to ride out the storm? Who will you shun?  How will you lead and how will you make yourself valuable to a tribe of fellow travelers?  Tap into the wisdom of your body’s innate intelligence.  The Citadelization World Order is routine, if rarely experienced, and is already coded into the collective unconscious. Just tap in.  Like going to sleep at night has its rituals of brushing your teeth, turning out the lights, checking the locks, saying your prayers and forgiving your sins of the day, these mega events has their own ritual. It is a securing and cleansing event. Treat it as such.

When our minds fail us, as they do every night.  When our emotions become a useless bleeding of our life force.  Our body carries us through the night to the next morning.  The period of Citadelization World Order is a friend to all living things.  Embrace the age and live to see the new dawn.


Political Homeostasis


Bioadministration: The Leveling