Political Homeostasis

Every living organism depends upon a zero point of balance, peace and rest to reset to once living disturbed its homeostasis.  If you look at any plant it grows out from it’s center and its foliage is always in solar maximum balance. When a branch falls off in an ice storm it grows to fill the lost light. And when an early branch gets occluded from the sunlight it is purposefully desiccated.  A plant’s homeostasis is effected by external factors of sunlight, soil moisture content, wind conditions and mineral availability. But a plant has a mission, knows its mission and is totally dedicated to its mission. Remain in homeostasis.

Humans are not plants.  Our mission as quantified and qualified by cosomonomics is the transmutation of cosmic energies none of us can see or measure with an electric instrument.  But homeostasis is no less important to a human.  In fact, because we are buffeted by so many unseen forces and it being so easy to speculate as to their cause, having an undeniable homeostasis point to rally around and to return to is even more important.  Unfortunately, that organ of humanity’s organization responsible for analysis, our governmental mind, is populated by humans of very questionable ability or responsibility or motivation to restore homeostasis.

Religions have attempted to establish a consensus homeostasis.  Matriarchies are better than patriarchies at peace and relaxation but fat matriarchies always birth patriarchies with something to defend or something to conquer  Christianity and Taoism are the best wide spread efforts to teach humans about the zero point of internal homeostasis and apply it to politics.  And while America and China were informed by a deep understanding of harmony, a political homeostasis was more easily achieved.  No such wells of religious glue exists today.

So the serious question arises, “can we humans find a rational and scientific homeostasis and apply it to our politics before an ignorant and ill-motivated political class leads us into the next social and economic collapse and a forced rediscovery of homeostasis?”.  In the tribal days, our elders were the keepers of homeostasis and many elderly humans embody the grandfather and grandmother archetypes.  They embodied the soul of political homeostasis for the tribe or the family. But the incentive structure of competition over scarce or massed power and wealth transfers leadership to a warrior class.

No elders. No priests. No peacemakers means we are lead by the disturbers of homeostasis who will use crisis and disturbance to accumulate more tools of control and coercion to prevent the rediscovery of internal peace and harmony.  And yet these petty leaders vie against cosmic forces they cannot understand, are used by and then discarded.  Cosmonomics reconciles Christ and the devil, unifier and divider as the voltage regulator of the living motor/generator and battery that is the biosphere of Earth.

Do you honestly think the wealth of this planet’s biosphere is not owned and managed by some higher authority?  That there are no laws and prohibitions to the expenditure of its storehouse outside of a cosmic need?  Do you imagine that the human organism is a random creation with no cosmic purpose?  Then stay a milk cow who needs to be regularly milked by the hands of another to relieve the pressure always building inside of you.

But if you are ready to stand up to the cosmos and own a political homeostasis worthy of leading the precious biosphere of Earth, then there is a pathway forward.  Cosmonomics. We can consciously choose to adopt the evolved status of sovereignty over self, first, and then assist in the restoration of peace and harmony and political homeostasis.  Or we can follow our current leadership who do not see or seek homeostasis.  Then catastrophic failure precedes our eventual return to political homeostasis.

I do not hold out much hope for the restoration of political homeostasis without painful incentives.  What drives the mind to look to the heart for answers?  Pain. Our governmental mind is not looking and our religious hearts are filled with judgments and division.  But I rest in the knowledge there is a cosmic law and a cosmic plan and a cosmic organization who steps in when absolutely necessary.

Because there is a political homeostasis above all human attempts of division or reconciliation.  Cosmic political homeostasis. I have named it cosmonomics.


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