The Fork in the Road

If we project out upon the timeline of the current trajectory of organized human endeavors there are many pitfalls in the middle path.  Its fairly easy to foresee a 1984 style police state aided by robots and drones as being “successful” in the reestablishment of slavery for most of humanity and, on the other hand, it is fairly easy to envision a complete breakdown of any economic and political order where the only rule of law is arbitrated by theft and violence.  But a way forward under a fairly organized and harmonious collective with a proper balance between the rule of law and of personal freedom has yet to be articulated for this next age of man.

The exhaustion of violence after World Wars I and II and the repulsion of the living from the black hole of death’s event horizon has been expended.  Its glue of reconciliation has had its age.  The leaders birthed and shaped by that age of adversity are dead and gone.  Now the core program of America that is the Constitution is being openly violated by our government.  Crisis is upon us.  The standing wave of forward motion has ground to a halt.  And from this political vacuum what usually emerges is overly extreme order or overly extreme disorder.

But there is a political system that shuns neither authoritarianism nor benevolence.  Our own human organism.  Bioadministration, using the human blueprint for humanity, is the only tested and proven reconciliation of all the extreme pathways humanity has tried and failed upon to date.  Monarchy, tribalism, capitalism, communism, socialism, anarchy, etc. on top of every religious system have failed or are failing.  Not because they are wrong, but because each one is incomplete without the other.

The human blueprint of mind, heart and body is a three brained being with three completely different laws, powers and agendas.  The proverbial three body problem of three different gravitational forces attempting to find a sustainable order has only been solved by a living system that embraces all points of the compass and the flexibility to apply the corrective solution without prejudice. The brutality our body uses to cleanse itself of viral infection rivals the worst recorded battles between humans.  The freely shared equality of resource flowing though the bloodstream feeding all cells is only dreamed of by religious and political philosophers. The ability to focus sensation into attention in the mind to rewrite our own memory and source code is being replicated by artificial intelligence and its promise to automate our lives and set us free.

All the shiny toys of utopian dreamers and great imaginers of our future humanity have yet to look and test their theories against the only operational blueprint of a self healing human organism.  We are our own collective blueprint. Neither totalitarianism nor chaos are supported by human nature but somehow the collective insanity of our political and spiritual leaders guarantee we will visit one or both extreme poles just to force us back to the same fork in the road.

Nature’s solution to the three body problem is that every fork in the road leads to another fork presenting the same binary choice over and over again. Even the worst psychopath eventually gets tired of repeating the same crime over and over again until, like Paul on the road to Damascus, finally meets himself and can no longer stand his own reflection.  There is no escape from ourself in this reality and we all eventually face the demon of our own creation. Israel included.

So when you come to the fork in the road, take it.  Take both roads.  To remain alive and in homeostasis we will all be totalitarians and anarchists, fascists and communists depending upon the circumstance.  We need leaders trained in the living system that is boadministration, not dogmatic reactionaries continually responding in ways that lead humanity away from its resilient core vibration.

This choice at the past forks in the road were well fought and reconciled at the American constitutional convention, during the civil war, with the New Deal and WWII.  And whether we are ready or not, the next fight is upon us again.  This time we have a blueprint and a map to follow we have only discovered since the last fork in the road. Bioadministration.




Political Homeostasis