
One hundred years ago there were only two billion humans alive on Earth.  Which means at the current eight billion we have quadrupled our human population.  From two billion to eight billion in the blink of an eye of human evolution. And all without any stable organizing force, save what I have named citadelization.

Bioadministration has yet to be understood or adopted.  Cosmonomics runs in the background and drives human events with fine motor control even though we human emotional generators are completely unconscious to these forces.  But citadelization is so built into our make up, it, of the three has always been with us as tribes, families, religions, nations, etc.

Today, we will explore the role of citadelization, not in the expansion mode of holding a personal, family, tribal, racial or national identity and loyalty, but in the concentration mode of a reducing population. Everything operates in cycles of up and down, expansion and contraction.  A quadrupling of the human population in one hundred years is an expansion that guarantees a concentration and forward thinkers would do well to imagine how we might create a defensive plateau instead of falling into chaos.

The common ways to reduce a population is by starvation, disease and conflict.  In essence, these challenges to life force is a concentration of being in mind, heart and body.  Imagination, art and great invention are more precious from scarcity.  Excess emotions need constant checking to prevent stress and despair from effecting our chemical balance and energy levels, exposing us to disease.  And the body is deprived of abundant inputs that were once easily gathered at low calorie expenditure.  All of these challenges are more easily dealt with by an organized group.

What do I mean by “organized”?  Every member has a role and responsibility.  There is little friction allowed to fester.  And all the dead weight must be quickly shed.  These facts of organization during times of concentration are why there is so much unconscious agitation with our current political and economic system.  We are like a roller coaster that has just climbed the hill and are about to plunge into the next valley and everyone, at some level, knows it.

Prep-pers, social justice warriors, catastrophists, militias and “burners” are all heavily, if unconsciously, driven by an innate need to find their tribe.  Citadelization is the antidote to the disease and the cure of cyclical concentration.  And large populations of humans have their own non-local intelligence like a flock of birds and a school of fish that uses signaling devices to guide the group to change course.

Anyone with their eyes open can see how AI, the fiat debt bubble that has encouraged wasteful investments including millions of worthless college degrees and the loss of the liberal, tolerant ideal is a toxic mix that will poison the long summer humanity has enjoyed.  Economy and society will need to be completely reformed and we know it. We are all unconsciously signaling each other and becoming sensitive to ever more subtle changes in the wind even though our current power and leadership structure tries desperately to maintain a status quo.

To be concentrated is to become more powerful.  It may require heating, cooling, drying and pruning, to name a few methods of concentration.  Your ability to suffer being concentrated depends upon many factors.  The utmost is your ability to concentrate yourself into self knowledge and to concentrate your family by reconciliation of petty frictions and to concentrate your tribe by enforcing a win-win discipline and an expelling of lazy, drama filled trouble makers.

There is nothing mysterious in citadelization or of concentration’s occasional arrival for testing each human’s level of health, life and being.  What is mysterious is the ignorant denial some humans practice that delays and therefore intensifies the cycles, high and low.

Remember, concentration, being the wheat or the chaff, is a self selection when the divine wind blows.


Cosmonomics of War


The Fork in the Road