Cosmonomics of War

There is no shortage of analysis or punditry regarding war and its effect upon economy or politics. And rightly so, even before mass media, decisions to go to war were invariably checked against their political and economic consequences.  In my theorized and here revealed future, war will be most deeply analyzed for its effects upon cosmonomics.

Remember the cosmos we inhabit cares nothing for our GDP or who heads our state.  The currency by which we pay our bills to the cosmic landlord is what is known in esoteric circles as third force.  When a previously divided polarity of positive and negative charges are reconciled there is the charging of the container of third force that is the biosphere of Earth or an overflowing release of third force to the cosmos.

For example, when H2, a positively charged particle from the sun, is reconciled with OH negative arising from Earth, its reconciliation forms H2O, water.  The reason hydrogen and oxygen becomes the everyday magic of water instead of rocket fuel is the mysterious third force stored within the bond that forms the water molecule changing two gases into a liquid.  On a more human scale, when two humans are divided in a repelling polarity their emotional body (mineralized water) is charging and powering an endless loop, like an electrical generator spinning and waiting for a load to be put upon the system.

Every legitimate religion was or is a discipline to connect and open the doorway to ready reconciliation.  When a cosmic load is put upon the human generator of third force, a response is demanded.  From simple prayer, to ecstatic worship, to conscious suffering, to ritual death there is a hierarchy in the production of third force from various levels of reconciliation.  The ritual death of the most innocent (open hearted) has throughout history been the gold standard of reconciliation as enshrined in the Christian mystery of Christ “dying on the cross for our sins”.

In lieu of the religious methods of reconciliation, there is the tried and true final backup each human carries in the tissues of their body released in the death journey.  Going into combat and coming out either dead or alive is a potent emotional generator and a forced reconciler of all our internal contradictions.  When a high enough demand is put upon the human responsibility to generate third force for the cosmos, then death under emotional circumstances is the emergency backup to satisfy the overwhelming cosmic demand and human warfare is the result.

Every human is born innocent.  And also born to “mature” into a container of contradictions carrying a ready charge for harvest at a moments notice.  The most potent charges of our ego and personality formation are the original deviations passed down and carried within our blood from generation to generation.  The everyday dramas of life in love, friendship and petty judgments is fine for just keeping the human powered motor/generator spinning.  But our solar system is a living being too.  We humans live inside of a greater living system and are responsible to this life the way our own digestive tract must respond to the ingestion of not yet self (i.e. food).

Our most potent contradictions, and therefore our most potent reconciliations, come from our deepest blood memories.  To trigger their release often demands warfare between long standing enemies to produce the powerful enzymatic substances the cosmos needs to digest non-self and return to homeostasis.  This is the true cosmonomics of war.  The ritual sacrifice of the innocent is the most powerful reconciling force any human can generate.  To die believing you are giving your life to save the ones you love is the heroic open doorway to the zero point of maximum reconciliation.

I write this truth I call cosmonomics to give peace and self forgiveness to we humans who must respond to our greater body in the only way we know how to save our human family and our human tribe.  There are only two other choices. We let our “God” die…or we find other ways to generate third force upon demand.

Priests have experimented with many different ways of sacrifice instead of war.  “Uncivilized” tribes are generally the only groups of humans who have discovered how to stay near or at the zero point with ritual reconciliation.  War is not necessary, but very convenient and handy in a cosmic pinch.  And if not war then famine, plague and natural disasters can visit.

A deeper understanding of our human role of the production of third force for the greater body of our cosmos with or without religious ritual is the key to mastering the cosmonomics of war.


Bioadministration: Blueprint for War

