Bioadministration: Blueprint for War

I am sad again this morning for this latest round of conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. Not because I have harbored any false hope of a Christian reconciliation between these warring patriarchies, but because of what it means for the United States and for humanity. This attack upon Israel and Israel’s response will likely grow into the second front of the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the full beginning of World War III.  And the United States and its attempted global hegemony face an existential crisis.

Here is the most likely scenario.  Israel’s left wing has been totally incapacitated in peaceful co-existence with the Palestinians.  The hawks will essentially decimate Gaza drawing in Hezbollah in the north.  All the former allies of America in the Middle East are now at least partly in the Russia/China camp and so will assist their Arab brothers against Israel.  America will be drawn into the conflict to save Israel and to settle old scores with Iran.  And America is not prepared for the warfare it will soon find itself right in the middle of.

America is staring an existential crisis in the face it cannot escape.  And perhaps, in the long run, this will be one of those gifts life imposes upon a living organism to refresh and refocus its life path.  Illness is rarely chosen and yet the intelligence of life’s challenges cannot be avoided or denied.  Today is not the day to discuss why, but how, a living organism deals with foreign invasion.

Our body deals with foreign invasion by temperature, inflammation and oxidation.  An elevated  temperature places more heat stress upon non-human cells like bacteria and viruses than upon healthy human cells who can stand against the self imposed stress.  Inflammation swells the human cells with excess interstitial fluid resulting in internal pressure preventing the foreign protein from entering the cell.  Oxidation is the result of an imbalanced electrical/chemical charge a healthy human cell can protect itself against by donating an antioxidant while the non-human cell has none to spare and will burn.

What are the analogs to temperature, inflammation and oxidation for a larger human organization? The first thing to remember about a foreign invasion of disease and the immune system’s response is to accept that Nature uses disease and/or human conflict to force an evolved state. All three defense strategies require the defenders to not only defeat the disease or invader but to prove themselves fit and worthy of their place within the organization. The test of warfare and disease is always a two faced monster. One face is looking outside and one face looking inside.

Does a nation that cannot or will not inflame itself to seal off and defend its own border when on the verge of a potential World War really deserve to continue its current political organization?  Temperature, applied to an organization of humanity is both social and economic. Frivolous activities and choices made during times of peace will be eschewed for a citadelization of energy and resource during times of conflict.  An increased surveillance, policing  and evaluation for all cells within a human organization is the equivalent to our own white blood cells with wide range authority to use their load out of hydrogen peroxide to oxidize any cell who has lost their self identity with the greater self of the organization. The traditional penalty for treason is death.

There is no mystery to the bioadministration response to invasion. The real mystery is why we humans need disease and warfare to periodically kick our ass?  That is why I am sad this morning.  Because, I can feel God and Nature’s stoic resolve to force a healing upon humanity as a higher path than to allow the slothful, ignorant interactions of our current human organizations. Religious fervor and self-righteous judgment, scientific and consumer materialism, political/corporate collusion and corruption, an abundance of refined sugars and environmental degradation all require the same slap in the face.

The blueprint for war is no mystery. We have all lived it inside of ourselves and studied it on the scale of humanity in history books and at school. I, for one, prefer to slap myself in the face instead of forcing the job upon my cosmic Mother and my cosmic Father. Or else, I am their dark son.


Win-Win Cooperation on Purpose


Cosmonomics of War