Mind Versus Body

The current disconnect between our collective mind, as represented by our federal government, and our body, as represented by masses of individual citizens, over the United States actions’ on the Israeli/Palestinian issue is very high. And that’s a good thing.  It is good that our unwavering, and obviously irrational support for the actions of the Israeli government are being roundly and loudly condemned by huge masses of Americans in assembled protest.  Let’s explore how bioadministration supports this natural process of recovering homeostasis after this major disturbance.

Our government’s policy and actions in support of Israel is unbalanced.  This comes from the self interest of personal political survival because of the power and applied tactics of the Israel lobby in Washington.  Many representatives in Washington are dual citizens and the money of the Jewish lobby is large and very sensitive to supportive action.  The national media is heavily staffed by Jewish people and the Biden cabinet is over three quarters Jewish.  Is it any wonder that the policy of support of Israel is unrepresentative of the average American?

And this is not solely a one way street of the Israeli tail wagging the American dog.  Our hegemony in the Middle East has been well supported by having a nuclear armed “unsinkable air craft carrier” smack dab in the middle of the richest corner of the Earth.  We are joined at the hip and this is a mutually beneficial partnership to the elites in both countries.  At least until now.

For the first time, there are also Palestinian sympathizers serving in Congress.  There are large minorities of the Islamic faith embedded in many American cities. Enough to carry more political power than the Jewish minority in that local area.  The rise of social media and smart phones makes the censoring of governmental actions impossible to hide. Narrative control is no longer one sided and propagandized to support the elite position.  The feedback loop of citizen reaction to government action in the Middle East is free flowing. What now?

The social justice moment has a new shiny toy that is not tainted by BLM malfeasance or blinded by the utopian thinking of the Green New Deal.  What the Israeli’s call “mowing the grass” and collective punishment of innocent Palestinian children is objectively reprehensible and a crime against humanity.  The loudest and most passionate forms of feedback of the body of humanity to the governmental mind is totally appropriate….and pure of heart.

The human organism has solved the three body problem by any two of the centers of power within the human, (the mind, the heart and the body) ganging up on the third to bring it back into harmony and homeostasis.  Here the body and the heart are a joint reaction the mind must adhere to because a government without both moral authority and the ability to act has no power.  Leadership implies followers.  And when the people and passion become the leaders, the government must first follow and then elbow their way to the front to act like it was their idea in the first place.

Bioadministration has many fundamental and tested analytical tools and methods of forcing a return to homeostasis.  Applying our internal organizational force and drive to homeostasis and harmony upon our external world is always the fastest and safest path.  Our own body has five different mechanisms to restore the perfect pH to our bloodstream ranked based upon rapidity of their effect and an intricate cost/benefit analysis.  Why would humanity mess around with political rhetoric, financial incentives and power dynamics when the fate of the entire organism is at risk?

There is no doubt about the long term resolution to the Israeli/Palestinian issue.  Reconciliation will be had.  The hard way or the easy way.  Right now, when the mind and the body are disconnected, is the hard way.  It takes this impasse to awaken our conscience and for our heart to choose sides for the sake of the organization itself.  This increasing passion of the people marching in protest means the heart has awoken and the sooner the governmental mind recognizes it has no followers, the better for all humanity.

I, for one, am hopeful this latest repulsion to the status quo in Palestine is the first step to a higher reconciliation of humanity when this challenge is over.  How many people will die and how long it will take for harmony to be restored is directly related to how soon and how well bioadministation is applied to this disturbance.


Fighting for Attention


Cosmonomics of War II