Cosmonomics of War II

In my last post on cosmonomics I laid out the human dilemma of warfare being the natural consequence of our cosmic duty to provide the reconciling force necessary to restore homeostasis to the greater body we live within.  Today, I will compare warfare, with its forced reconciliation through suffering and death, versus other methods of producing the cosmic commodity of reconciling force we humans have been subjected to or have attempted to extract from our communities.

Think of warfare versus pandemics or of natural disasters.  Warfare has the advantage of tapping into deep seated contradictions within the human psyche, our deepest blood memories of race, religion and ethnicity.  The post World War II period of peace was the result of an exhausted well of poisoned blood. Whereas pandemics are a blunt instrument which force a general evolution upon the human species to cull the weakest but take time to spread and time to stop.  Not very sensitive to short term cosmic cycles and demands.  Natural disasters can be more targeted and tactical like tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes. But these are hugely disturbing events to the biospheric homeostasis.  At least warfare is mostly contained to the living creatures designed to best respond to cosmic disturbance.

Humans in the massed numbers of the modern world are meant to become the primary force of reconciliation preventing the need for the regular climatic disturbances of the earlier relationship of Earth to the solar system. Eight billion humans is a powerful shield to buffer incoming cosmic disturbances.  Mass communications and the internet are powerful disseminators of information to trigger the emotional bodies of many humans by the suffering of a few.  The “archaic revival” of ecstatic gatherings like Burning Man and the massive growth of ritual, ceremonial opening of the portal between humans and the cosmos via entheogenic plants and chemicals is another piece of the reconciliation puzzle.  Humanity is establishing a potential alternative to war while also making pandemic and natural disaster less likely.

We have world wide stories of past cultures using ritual suffering and ritual sacrifice to “appease the gods” or to make it rain.  There have been many attempts to seed into humanity more humane methods of reconciliation than physical slaughter. Some of the priest class resorted to ritual sacrifice but these were always and everywhere self serving and self empowering “mistakes”.  When we take the whole body of historical examples in religious and ritual ceremonies of worship we can see repeated attempts by the cosmos to educate we humans to our cosmic task in ways to enhance reconciliation and to prevent war.

And yet, here we are again.  We are on the verge of opening warfare’s gaping wound between human life and death instead of a controlled vortex between life and the zero point.  Our greater body needs the restoration of homeostasis from some unseen disturbance.  We can all feel the tension rising and the inner call first to judgment and then to conflict.  How do we respond without the bloodlust becoming self reinforcing? How would humanity’s response to the cosmos be different if we all knew our unavoidable cosmic duty?

With eight billion humans electronically interconnected at the speed of light for the first time, this is a new day and a new opportunity.  What is missing is a common understanding of humanity’s cosmic duty to absorb the disturbance within the contradictions that is the human drama and recognize the need to restore peace and homeostasis via love and forgiveness.  If humanity understands the hierarchy of reconciliation begins at simple forgiveness and will ramp up to open and bloody warfare depending solely upon our human ability and responsibility, then the power and the destiny of our yet to written future rests within humanity.

I recommend you download and read my essay on the “Weapon of Mass Reconciliation” and you might see a pattern emerging of the most poisonous divisions within humanity playing out today.  From Russia and Ukraine to the Jews and the Muslims, brother is fighting brother.  The deepest and most poisonous of wounds are within the same families.  Perhaps that we are revisiting and washing away our last remaining historical divisions is a sign of impending change.

Perhaps humanity is getting ready to consciously adopt and accomplish our cosmic duty, the restoration of homeostasis, without warfare and mass casualty events.  We can milk ourselves rather than letting the pain of an overfull udder drive us to seek the slaughter house.


Mind Versus Body


Win-Win Cooperation on Purpose