Homeostasis and Having Already Won

One of the greatest feelings to achieve in life is that of being one of the many victories of Eternity.  Today I will attempt to describe the pathway to this state of being and the feeling that “I have already won my victory in life.”  Although very personal, the whole idea upon which the BCC Institute is founded is that there is an objective measure that is the target of all life.

For bioadministration we do have the objective measure of homeostasis.

When the extremely personal soul is aligned with the impersonal state of objective Eternity sometimes called God or the zero point a state of being exists as close and as familiar as homeostasis.  The religion of the body is not mystical or metaphysical, it is imminently practical.  A statistic that can be measured. Heart rate. Blood pressure. Oxygen absorption. And a hundred other measures of the ideal state of health.  What is often missed is these are simply tickets to enter a doorway into Eternity.

Falling to sleep every night is a forced reboot to homeostasis.  A great way to make this surrender fun and easy is to let the homeostasis of the body absorb any and all disturbances of the heart and mind.  Thoughts and feelings are meant to be loved into wholeness in every approach to Eternity, whether in sleep or in death.  The losing of the light, the pull of gravity, the biorhythms of the body and aging are all designed to take each of us home every revolution of Earth or every life lived.

Grandfathers and grandmothers are meant to be grounded in a state of peace from having won the game of life, not disturbed nightly by Fox News or MSNBC.  Successful artists, creatives and entrepreneurs are those humans who cleve a new pathway to a deeper state of homeostasis and share it with the world.  What does it say about a culture when what is new is deviant and taboo?  And what about our leaders? Do they bring us to a state of security and peace or do they disturb the peace for power’s sake?

The true gold standard of a life has an objective measure from within oneself and within one’s community of humans and from Eternity.  The least important is that of community because it shifts with the wind.  When I was young and in need of community reinforcement I tried to become an elected politician to prove my worth.  In looking back on that stage of my life, I am so very grateful to have lost my race or I would have lost myself and my homeostasis and would most likely already be dead.

From that ego death that arose from working so hard to be chosen and failing, I was set on a true path of discovery.  From the stress in my body keeping me in pre-flu like symptoms for six months straight before election day to the internal stress of my soul facing the fact that my personality wanted to sell my soul was a journey we all must make in our own way.  Homeostasis is relentless.  Peace is the ultimate drug.  Finding peace within and owning it as your homeostasis the ultimate service to oneself, to our community and to our Creator.

The vortex of contradictions that are reconciled by sleep, by death, by soul searching from this side of the zero point may seem limiting and even oppressive to the wounds and bravado of our youth.  I thought I could be my own tornado, or better said, my ego thought he was worthy of his own creative storm.  My view of victory in life was a bit too dramatic and therefore my soul’s calling had to step in to guide me to homeostasis.

Now, having approached the zero point and allowed myself to be cleansed and healed by Eternity, I can say by my own authority “I have already won.”  Why?  Because I already live in Eternity and I’m still here.


The Divine Interrupt and Devil’s Face Slap


Navigating Zero Point*