The Divine Interrupt and Devil’s Face Slap

I have referred many times to the Devil archetype by the latin name of El Diablo, The Divider.  This force, personal and impersonal, is intimately connected to citadelization.  To become distinct, defended and capable of action is heavily assisted by evolutionary pressures associated with pain, hunger, fear, betrayal, to name but a few. Today, we will honor and embrace those moments when even the Devil gets tired of feeding on your weak, tasteless soul and slaps you across the face.

Life on Earth has rules to meet both a cosmic objective and each human’s soul growth. God only plays win-win. Hopefully, you have absorbed enough of cosmonomics to understand the emotional dynamo of embedded contradictions that is our human nature and design.  And you understand the archetypes of Devil and Christ so intimate to every culture even if alternately named.  The Devil divides us into pieces. And the Christ puts us back together.  Both are responsive to cosmic forces we humans cannot easily see and comprehend.

Now one might think it is the Christ principal that is charged with the care and feeding of the human soul material awaiting harvest in the death journey. Not as much as the Devil.  The shepherd guides but it is the wolf that potentiates with the above mentioned tools.  A dynamo has the divided polarity of the Tao’s yin and yang, feminine and masculine that requires constant attention to maintain the balanced opposition and the spin rate.  Control and feedback loops belong to the Devil while Christ holds the center of the zero point and “the peace that surpasses all understanding.”

I, long ago, made the shift from the Devil as adversary to the Devil as personal trainer.  El Diablo’s, first job is to create division.  Rarely are humans blind to this. But few people give Him his due as the master mechanic who keeps the motor generator that is the biosphere of Earth tuned up with the perfect throttle response, drivetrain and brakes.  In short, keeping Life fully alive, sensitive and awake. Respond-Ability.  AKA each soul’s personal trainer.

With this long preamble for context, we can now discuss the concept of the divine interrupt.  Hell is repetition.  And there are many ways to escape Hell, including being thrown out.  All require a level of self consciousness applied to our repetitive endless loops.  But what happens when a human becomes so trapped in a repetitive squirrel cage that they wear themselves out, are weakened and not useful to anyone or anything.  Lose-lose is not the nature of Life and the rules of the game do not support this condition.  Somebody has to wield a pitchfork properly placed to promote….. a winning self consciousness.

It is in no one’s interest, especially the Devil’s, to have human herd filled with endless loops so stuck that they become a problem at harvest time.  Inertia is a dumb force.  Even the zero point is stupid if there is nothing to stop it from reconciling an entire reality out of timing and phase.  Human contradiction, suffering and sin, is hard won.  The biggest, baddest safeguards are placed on the path to reconciliation to prevent their waste.  Imagine the chaos that would occur if a realm was bleeding magical force into an unconscious populous.  God forbids.

The divine interrupt is often delivered by the Devil as a self consciousness inducing, endless loop busting slap across the face.  Not meant to overly wound but to awaken.  If you do not respond, then you are in the problem file with all the other humans who have lost their sensitivity and their ability to respond to Life, for Life. Don’t be dead to Life or the Devil will up the ante beyond your human resistance.

Remember a core admonition of citadelization is to “Know Thyself”.  Embrace the consciousness that comes from lessons hard delivered and hard won.  Even the most evolved souls keep deeply held divisions with other parts of themselves and of humanity, not to be evil, but to have a can of “whip-ass” at the ready to open in extremis.

Citadelization is so much more than decentralization.  It is a vital empowerment Life through strategic division available for harvest.  When the divine interrupt arrives unexpectedly and/or shockingly, don’t get mad.  Just wake up.  You are being tuned to Life.


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