Bioadministration and the Three-Body Problem*

Most people have never heard of the three-body problem.  In essence, the three-body problem means the movements and interactions of any three gravitational bodies cannot be known or predicted by any mathematics yet discovered.  To truly face and understand the utter instability of three, much less seven or fourteen independent variables is a mental shock. How is there any order at all?

As a mental problem with three variables which act upon each other, i.e. a love triangle, there can be no truly stable end state.  Our own body, heart, and mind are three variables with unique and different goals occupying the same organism. Life is a nearly insolvable problem, by design.  How did our solar system or our own being come into harmony with nine planets or the thousands of destabilizing events a human must confront daily? By system design.

As a young man graduating college, I was still wildly creative and emotionally unpredictable. So I went into the United States Navy as an officer for four years.  The complexity of potentially hostile action at sea with the constant threat of sinking forced the evolution of an organization perfected over centuries.  There was a rule and an action already for every situation and a ready system of justice to enforce it.  My internal instability met an overwhelming and successful order.  I found my place in the order and I thrived.  

It certainly helps to have a central sun with an overwhelming gravitational force.  Similarly, our mind is a voracious consumer of our attention and can organize complex actions very well.  Running down a set of stairs, with our mind on some completely unrelated mental task, while whistling a tune is a task worthy of a supercomputer and yet it is the norm.  We have the most sophisticated operating system imaginable, which we take for granted.  It helps that there is a “central sun” at its core.

So between a solar system and an individual human who both find peace and order with their central sun, we find all manner of disorder and chaos in the human affairs upon our planet.  And with seven billion individual centers of gravity seeking peace and harmony in a system that cannot find this state with only three people, what are we even to hope for?  Bioadministration anyone?

Using the human organism as the blueprint for human organization, bioadministration, is the most logical next step for humanity.  We are going to continue to attempt to organize around a central sun. In the past that has been represented by a human or spiritual figure.  Hitler or Buddha.  Pol Pot or Muhammed. How about we wipe the human face off of what we really desire? Order. The Navy was my indoctrination into an impersonal order that allowed me to exercise my own personal order.

We have the opportunity for the first time in human history to establish a central sun for humanity evolved and tested by both Nature and Cosmos. The human organization of mind, heart, and body is called bioadminsitration.  It is time to fire all our human leaders and spiritual saviors and invest our faith in the system that has solved the three-body problem better than any alternative. 

The real question is should we even try to organize humanity?  Or stay disorganized? Do we even have a choice?  Human history is a collection of imperfect organizations that arose and fell.  We will not and cannot stop.  Harmony, as the human feeling of Eternity, is too strong a force to resist.  Our hope this time is we can know in detail how our own body, heart, mind has tamed the three-body problem in a win-win-win relationship.

This is what we study and apply with bioadminsitration.  The human organism as the blueprint for human organization.  I will surrender to no man nor limited idea again.  I will surrender to a tested and impersonal system evolved and tested over long periods of time with a mission to accomplish like I did in the US Navy.  That was in my twenties and the US president was my “god”.  

Now my conscience is my internal representative of God.  The three-body problem is mastered by having a central sun and gravity to overwhelm disparate energies.  The human conscience is the central sun of humanity.  We still have lots of rogue asteroids flying around our solar system and human personality disorders in our future.  But I see and feel the dawning realization of the bioadministration order we can all surrender to because it works.  And it is us. 



Citadelization and the Three-Body Problem*


Cosmonomics: Beyond Good and Evil