Cosmonomics: Beyond Good and Evil

The subject of good and evil has been studied, debated, dogmatized and enshrined as long as words could be spoken and then written.  Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a book titled Beyond Good and Evil.  He also declared God is dead and popularized the idea of the superman.  That he was mostly ignored while alive or misapplied in death, went insane and lived out his life in an asylum does not recommend following in his subject matter footsteps.

And yet.  That we humans are still debating the division of life into good and evil with no scientific understanding for purely political and religious purposes of justification and manipulation of the masses is blocking human progress.  When I first received the epiphany of bioadministration and the use of the human blueprint for humanity’s organization, this division of good and evil was a terribly serious gatekeeper.  How could I, a full blooded German, advocate for the type of euthanasia our own body practices every minute of every day?  How could I, born of the Fourth of July, advocate for our already sick and corrupt government to wield anymore power over my life?

My own internal contradiction of receiving a revealed truth that I could not reconcile with my past and my path set the proverbial splinter in my mind.  Like the inflammation response from any foreign object lodged under the skin, there is no peace until the foreign object is either dissolved or removed.  I had to move beyond my own programming of good and evil or reject that there was a higher truth.  And that journey led me to cosmonomics and the state of mind beyond good and evil.

The discipline of economics is well suited to the reconciliation of good and evil.  Free enterprise capitalism routinely euthanizes unproductive business enterprises and few people mourn their passing because they watched real time what happened with the misallocation of capital within the Soviet Union with their bread lines and the famines in Communist China.  It was only after the fall of “evil” communism that capitalism picked up the new divided opposition of the environmental movement.  And again the conflict between good and evil was well watered every day.

It is no mystery to me that, as I was reconciling this economic division of good and evil, capitalism versus environmentalism, I helped launch and popularize ecotourism to both business and environmental success.  This proved to me there is always a successful path of reconciling the apparent opposites into both sides winning together by pursuing a higher truth and a higher path.

At the same time, within my inner world with my inner divisions and the spiritual journey I walked to heal myself by reconciliation and the restoration of harmony, I practiced the same science of holding apparent opposites in dynamic tension until a higher truth and a higher harmony was revealed.  The energy released through reconciliation welded my fractured soul back together.  Being raised a Christian, I finally “got” the hidden mystery at the root of “resist not evil” and the “remission of sin through suffering and death” and all the other teachings that made no sense as a youth living in a divided world.

Once I was set free from my own internal conflicts and childhood programming I could sense the destination that is the zero point, “the peace that surpasses all understanding”, homeostasis and every other name for the state beyond good and evil.  Once Christ and the Devil were understood as anthropomorphized archetypes of division and reconciliation regulating energies flows for a higher purpose, then the journey that is human life on Earth could be seen from it true design and I could codify the energetic exchanges within the science of cosmonomics.

The human blueprint has evolved under the condition and the need of humanity to serve energetic functions within the larger cosmic body we inhabit.  There is no conflict between bioadministration and cosmonomics.  Only a co-created harmony of design and purpose.

I have accepted these gifts of higher understanding and my responsibility to share them even if I am misunderstood or ignored or have trouble making clear the vision beyond good and evil.  I already live in Eternity because I have worn a trail between here and there.  I keep dropping these written bread crumbs along the trail for you…and for my own remembrance walking about in a divided world.

Its always win-win in my heaven.  No asylum from the world for me. I have cosmonomics instead.


Bioadministration and the Three-Body Problem*


An Age of Division