An Age of Division

The ethos of reconciliation as demonstrated by Christ has gone from foundational to western civilization to a cognitive dissonance allowing for both Christ and Machiavelli to live within separate compartments within the same mind.  Sleepy, content small towns whose main structure was the local church have grown into ever more complex, diverse and yet interdependent mega cities to meet every taste and every need. From childhood innocence to young adult adventure seeking, we finally are confronted with the unsustainable dalliance usually coupled with an existential crisis.  All life follows the same path.

So what happens next?  An age of division.  For the individual, when the daily party in the light of the sun has used up all our attention and our ability to assimilate experience productively we find a safe place to curl up for a night’s sleep.  For a civilization, when well run, the cycle of birth and death and the standing wave of pre-established functional organization can refresh and stave off a collective reboot.  But, without the reconciled living model like bioadministration and its functional immune system, corruption will grow, especially within the mind, the oligarchy and the government.  As systems come under stress and begin to break down, the leadership either is wise enough to fix the situation or they take personal advantage of the fat, weakened soon to be corpse.

If you find yourself living in the midst of a mind and a government who has lost the desire or the ability to reform itself then there is only one rational action to take. Citadelization.  You may not have the access to wealth and power of the oligarchs but be assured you will simply be following suit of the hand being dealt by a failing leadership.  They are circling their own wagons, and to not follow their lead here and now can be deadly.

An age of division, is actually (after the initial chaos of systemic collapse) a concentration of life force into defensible zones from marauding components of the old system that are starving and looking to remain fed upon the old relationships of money and power.  The sooner one cuts their self, their family and their tribe off from dependence upon past complexity and concentrates their life force within an energetic “walled compound” the better able to ride out the inevitable sleep that is the natural conclusion to a day or an age.

Citadelization is a process of first separating from the confusing dogmas of ideologies used to continually dangle the next drama in front of your eyes to keep your attention programmed to their agenda.  Step two involves separating your emotional body from the constant attempts to use the stories of other humans suffering and trapped within a dying system to harvest your emotional energy.  And step three is to change your actions to preparing for the inevitable hibernation of human evolution while the bad ideas accumulated in the last age are starved or choked to death.

As hard a task master as winter, night, chaos, destruction and all his other brothers are, humans live in a world built upon cycles of growth and refinement.  That which cannot or will not grow or refine in turn will be recycled.  Argue it is unfair all you want but to know yourself, your tribe and who and what you can depend upon is the bedrock of life.  And these things must be routinely tested for emergency purposes.

So I encourage my readers to disengage their life force from the devolving drama that is our post COVID world.  If you try to figure out insanity, it will most likely make you insane too. If you have not been slapped awake yet then you will be soon.  And the sooner the better.  The sooner you value family and tribe the better.  The sooner you value the true necessities of food, water, shelter, security and devalue the debt based money you think you can lay claim to in the digital world the better for you.

Citadelization is the nature of the universe upon which all is built and all returns to.  A truly living system never leaves it, just builds upon it.  An intelligent organism who discovers it has lost their citadelazation at the approach of nightfall will restore their citadel as soon as possible.


Cosmonomics: Beyond Good and Evil


Bioadministration: Using The Human Blueprint to Transcend Politics