Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Changing Eternity

For at least the last month or more writing on the subject of cosmonomics, I have been attempting to empower my readers with the practical techniques and uses of approaching the dimensional doorway some have named the zero point.  On the other side of that doorway is a dimension we will call Eternity.  All attraction and repulsion in our temporal world comes from the forces passing though the zero point to and from the Eternal realm.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Unipolarity Versus Multipolarity

When thinking about the three core concepts upon which the BCC Institute was founded, citadelization was the last to be established after bioadministration and then cosmonomics.  My progression of understanding was reverse to that of evolution.  In Nature, it was the body that came together first and then specializing and birthing the organs of necessity for complex life. Namely, the heart and mind.  Either from above or below, from inside or from outside, if we explore any living system completely we find there is the tripartite structure of mind, heart and body.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Aging and Renewal

Being of the baby boomer generation, my cohort invests a lot of time and energy on treatments and spas that are promised to stop or reverse aging.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with pursuing internal health at any age as long as this does not become a consuming obsession driven by a fear of death. Being haunted by death is one of those motivators that can be inspiring of more life as long as we stay away from the extremes of complete denial or debilitating fear.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Rainmaking….Or Not

Cosmonomics necessarily confronts humanity with consequential choices.  Knowing how our invisible energy economy works and our human role within it gives both responsibility and the ability to respond.  This empowerment is too much to handle for some humans who would prefer to remain herded by gods, demons and random accident.  But throughout the ages some number of humans always took on the responsibility to respond.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Rebel Alliance III

If we look objectively at our mind, its pro and cons, we see as complex, as dangerous and as satisfying a relationship as can be found in all of life.  The Chinese for thousands of years have named the mind a “wild horse” to describe both its power to move and its difficulty to tame.  One could make the case that any and all “alien” invasions would penetrate the mind to conquer humanity and our mind might mistakenly, but easily ally with off-world ideology and technology while abandoning its own heart and body.  Equally, the relationship between government and its citizens rivals this embedded potential battle space we all face within.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz


Once the humans who want to be powerful but prefer to remain humane in the process search for tools of manipulation, they naturally fall upon the tactics of lying, fiat money and manufactured narrative control through secrecy and disclosure.  In the endless accumulation of unplayable debts, post-COVID, 2020 election, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now congressional hearings on UFO’s we humans are being forced though a master class on how our “leaders” use the modern tools of digital communication to make up down and down up.  This can work for awhile until the lies begin to corrupt the self correcting feedback loop of cause and effect.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

“FREE” Energy

In discussing cosmonomics, step one is to replace the physical currency we call money with life force.  What the Chinese call chi or the Indians call prana is the radiation of life force from the event horizon around the “black hole” at the center of Earth.  All life exists by bathing within these emanations.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Rebel Alliance II

My title is somewhat tongue in cheek, coming from the iconic Star Wars movies.  In the fictional there and then, a mass of different beings from across the galaxy band together to fight the universal problem of the “Sith Lord” that morphs from a conniving senator to a non-human being consumed by cosmic evil ruling the former galactic republic with a superhuman wielding of fear.  This series of movies tapped into the perpetual drama machine of people and their concentrations of governmental power that transcends time, space and unique species.  This is not a human problem, this is a cosmic issue needing a universal resolution.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Life Abundant: Capitalism or Communism

In this modern age of capitalism, with money and private property being able to be sequestered and passed on, there is this tendency to equate having lots of money and possessions with life abundant.  We have all seen tired old men with wealth married to young attractive wives.  Just another possession of the appearance of winning the game of life.  Seems off-target.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Higher Emotional Body

One day, again, it will be common knowledge we humans have a unique gift of producing the “food of the gods”.  Our physical body may return to Earth as worm food but in life and death we humans produce a spiritually available energetic “food” we call emotions.  There is no evolution of humanity or any single human without first understanding these facts of life and then beginning to manage the production of said finer energies.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Rebel Alliance

Today humanity is living on the edge of overt terror and chaotic explosion of existing systems.  Some humans are completely asleep to these psychic pressures, some feel the collective angst but see no solution and a few humans are designing a pathway forward.  If you see and feel the increasing dictatorship of governmental mind as an existential issue then you are ready for this conversation.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind II

Last week we set up the conundrum of our obvious need for a point of organization within the ocean of all possibility and at the same time the dangers of empowering the point of organizing we call mind.  It is easy to see the fallibility of our own mind as a trial and error mechanism in its slow and often painful learning and growth.  And yet if we transpose the bioadministration blueprint to larger human organizations, we see the organizing power of governmental mind is prone to tyrannical self deception of infallibility and catastrophic collapse of order.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Attraction and Repulsion

In our journey to the zero point over the last two weeks describing the first and second conscious shocks we have only considered the attractive force that lies at the center of the zero point calling everything back home to a fully reconciled state.  We humans use this innate ability to center ourself psychologically and the attractive force of homeostasis biochemically to remain conscious and alive. What I have been describing with the conscious shocks is humanity’s ability and responsibility to restore homeostasis to whatever you want to call the organism we live inside of.  God, the solar system, Gaia.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Memory, Routine and Citadelization

The human organism is a unity of trillions of individual cellular life forms who from one point of view are born in a prison they can never escape from.  More true is the human cell is in a win-win partnership of super mobility, capacity and memory.  The single cell has a lifespan of days to months but lives within an organism that has persistent memory and routine allowing a newborn cell to be essentially fully capable of birth within an organization that approaches eternal life.  Let’s explore how memory and routine are a chief ally in citadelization’s sense of self.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Dictatorship of Mind

The idea of using the human blueprint for larger organizations of humans has undeniable logic and massive consequences.  Going all the way back to the proverbial Tower of Babel and its story there is some hidden, higher dictatorship of mind having the power and ability to confuse the speech of humanity to keep it…unorganized and unorganizable.  I fight that power and it is also my ally.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Second Conscious Shock

Today I’m going to write about the human superpower that has been criminally neglected, purposefully hidden and suspiciously forgotten from human understanding.  The least hidden way it is taught today is by solely assigning its power to Jesus Christ as the gatekeeper and yet it is the birthright of every human.  It’s mystification by religion has always weakened every culture that assigned its transmission to a priest class.  I’m talking about the second conscious shock.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence II

The last time I wrote a few months ago about AI’s complete rewriting of our political, economic and spiritual systems it was to encourage resilience through creating citadels of harmonious organization around you, your family and your tribe.  This was step one in “talking off the ledge” the mass hysteria and escatological fixation upon the release of Chat GPT by using the principals of citadelization.  Today we will deal with opposing polarity of AI and the savior complex so embedded within Western Civilization.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Two Hands, Two Feet, Two Parties

We take for granted the binary nature and symmetry of the human body.  Walking and running is infinitely easier than hopping around and balancing on one foot.  Our ability to pick up heavy objects or to climb up a vertical obstacle is only possible by the opposing and complimentary pressure coming from two hands working together for one purpose.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

First Conscious Shock

Over the next several postings on cosmonomics, I will map out the energetic gates and permissions leading to the zero point.  This portal and doorway between worlds and dimensions must have boundaries and border guards both internal to the individual human and also externally to regulate the energetic flow. Why must it? Because the division and reconciliation of humanity is a precious resource to be well managed for cosmic order.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Legitimate Authority III

Last time we talked about chaos and order as implosive and explosive forces that find balance and create a citadel in the shape of a perfect sphere. Human history has yet to find that balance and we experience dramatic swings between order and chaos.  Revolutions come along to break up dysfunctional orders and authoritarian regimes are established from the exhaustion of sustained chaos. What would a balanced human world and story look like?

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