The Three Body Problem and Fine Motor Control
Newtonian physics as the foundation of astrophysics has worked so well in describing the motion of the planets that we tend to look upon our solar system as like a watch mechanism in its order and predictability. Theories of planetary formation and motion are now considered laws. Except that Venus spins “backwards”. Except that Earth’s moon and the Sun’s moon, Mercury, are tidally locked that no model of physics can predict the natural arising of this perfect precision. These cannot be accidental or even exist by current science.
Humans are very susceptible to contagions, by design. From the mental realm we must be able to receive messages through the collective unconscious circuit. From the physical realm our bodies must be stress tested and evolved by the spread of pathogens. And from the emotional realm we must be able to be mass stimulated to absorb and transmute disharmonious energies falling upon Earth. After all, we live inside greater levels of Life and are subject to their control no less than our own heart’s response to our choice of a strenuous activity.
Bioadministration’s Heart
I talk a lot in my blog about cosmonomics and the energetic exchanges within the heart between this world and the unseen world through the vortex of the zero point. This is because I choose to empower the heart over the mind in this age. The Enlightenment was an arising and empowerment of the mind from the emotional morass of the middle and dark ages. Each age has its challenges and the recovery of homeostasis must be supported by a 360 degree set of tools to rebalance ourselves and remain alive.
Paradise Lost
The story of Adam and Eve in the bible describes the “original sin” that set the parameters and condition of human life on Earth. You know it well. Man and woman living in perfect harmony with each other and with the entire Garden of Earth. There is some fruit of a special tree that can give a human a divided consciousness of good and evil whose knowledge will destroy the innocent harmony they were living within. One bite and here we are today. One human cursed billions of lives and counting, according to the story.
Technology’s Counterpoint
Perhaps there is no other issue facing humanity of more danger or importance than how to remain a natural human in an exponentially increasing technological world. There is a real and immediate issue of human purpose in a fully installed AI driven world. Look back upon the integration of electricity and industrial machines into our world and the wars they empowered. Can we survive a war whose action is so fast its decisions must be calculated and executed by autonomous computers?
Bioadministration World Order II
One way of testing a theory is to play out scenarios around the theory’s real-world application. Today we will explore how our own political trinity of mind, heart and body pursue their agendas and compare these strategies to the current state of politics in Washington.
The Asbury Revival
Recently a spontaneous vortex around the zero point opened in Kentucky. A long established spiritual vortex based upon Christianity and its teaching to young people, Asbury College, had its drain plug pulled. A spiritual tornado planted itself in the Asbury chapel for two weeks and was an excellent example of the power of cosmonomics to harmonize Man and Cosmos with the power and force of human forgiveness, love and reconciliation.
Beneficial Division
There are many different strategies life uses to be more resilient and able to respond to external stimuli. Today we will discuss division. Atomizing an organization as large and as capable as a human into trillions of individual cells with every cell needing food, oxygen, waste, chemical signaling and neural communication is a complexity of design that must have purpose. Why keep a six foot tall human divided into microscopic pieces?
The Cancer Problem
One of the most challenging dilemmas for the implementation of bioadministration is also a huge dilemma for the body and our immune system. Namely, how to deal with cancerous cells and how to deal with cancerous ideologies. There is a very famous treatise on cancer called The King of All Maladies, an aptly named description of how powerfully this disease haunts humanity. Rarely does modern medicine look at the disease of cancer in the body as an ideology, but the civilizational war between ideology and ethics is well described by looking at the malady of cancer.
The Warrior’s Heart III
The gold standard of heart warrior hood was, of course, Jesus. Several of his famous followers were Gandhi and Martin Luther King. All three were facing insurmountable physical domination by the Romans, the British and White Racists and therefore wisely surmised to invent or follow a model of empowerment founded in ethics. The heart is always ruled by ethics even if it cowers at the ideologies of the mind for an age.
Coherence, Cohesion and Co-Empowerment
Every small assembly of humans, be it a family or a tribe or a sports team has its own governing natural law we could name co-empowerment backed by coherence and cohesion. Given the free movement of people, the feeling of coherence within the hearts of the human participants will draw humans together and the feeling of dissonance will drive them apart. Our body and our humanity practices citadelization by these fundamentally important learned instincts.
Chivalry for the Mind
There are many new psychological models used to diagnose the health and disease of our mind. Few work because they are drug based or they treat the mind as one dimensional. With shadow work, analysis becomes two dimensional but still locked into a solely mental construct. Even if soul is considered or Jungian archetypes analyzed there is still this attempt to dissect the mind from its host to get at its core contradictions. I say there is only one problem and one solution.
The Warrior’s Heart II
In today’s posting regarding cosmonomics, we will actually look a our heart’s functional energetic construction as a precious and powerful instrument. The understanding our heart’s assigned mission as our regulator of division and reconciliation around the zero point has occupied much of my writings on cosmonomics. Today we can begin to discuss how a human heart can be “a weapon more powerful than a gun.”
Ethics Versus Ideology III: Citadelization as Antidote
Imagine you are a single cell organism capable of independent life faced with a short-sighted and short lived existence. It’s a cold night and you bump into another similar organism just trying to stay warm and you both discover that where your cell walls touch is warmer. So you stay touching through the night. More cells join in each night to conserve energy and to stay warm and it becomes the best way to survive. So everybody does it. The external environment and thermodynamics establishes an ethical strategy everybody shares to enhance life.
Ethics Versus Ideology II: Bioadministration as Antidote
An ethos is internally reconciled between body and heart arising from community dynamics with the mind as observer/recorder. An ideology is a mental construct tending to concentrate power within mind generally detrimental to the body and heart.
The Warrior’s Heart
When I was much younger and still within the phase of my spiritual journey of reprogramming my ego, while sitting in a ceremonial circle in the deep jungles of the Peruvian Amazon, I was seduced by the disembodied voice of the ayahuasca spirit to “come out into the jungle and I will give you a weapon more powerful than a gun.” And still being in the phase of my masculine dominated ego, I was ready to leave the circle for this promise of power.
Ethics versus Ideology
In ancient Athens at the foundations of democracy, politics was considered to be ruled by ethics because the body politic was known to be a living macrocosm of the community’s shared ethics. As above, so below. Today, ethics has been replaced by ideology and along with it has destroyed the restraints upon democracy’s greatest weaknesses, mob rule and the loss of individual rights.
From Marx to Stalin: A Case Study for Bioadministration
When Karl Marx first proposed his economic theory of delivering abundance through equality and brotherhood, it was a response to the threat and the opportunity of labor efficiency brought about from the industrial revolution. Manpower was being replaced by machine power driven by the concentrated energy sources brought out of the Earth. Such a disturbance to an economy will inevitably disturb the political structure. And Marx, writing at the times of the European wide revolts of 1848, was attempting to harness and design a new and fair way forward in an amazingly secular Christian and spiritually evolved solution.
The American Civilization IV
Children are often guided during maturation and then in their integration with adult life by a psychic debris (or gift) of their parents’ unrealized dream. Whatever remains unresolved within the parent is, by inner law, passed on for the children to process by accomplishment or eventual abandonment. The United States has grown up under this relationship by being the offspring of mainly European states.
Citadelization and Artificial Intelligence
When the last great technological revolution founded upon electricity and oil became widespread it completely changed our entire economic, social and political structures. If we add in Darwin, Nietzsche and modern science we can say religion was completely brought into question also. The disturbance that fell upon humanity 150 years ago was cataclysmic when comparing before and after. The computer and AI revolution will be at least as transformative.