Intelligent Confusion
When most areas of study reach a climax of understanding, their limitation comes from an unreconciled contradiction which usually remains unspoken because of its obvious and shocking stupidity. For example, the recent statement that slipped from the head of NATO regarding the war in Ukraine saying “more weapons is the way to peace”. Today, we will explore this phenomenon under the general mental limitation of intelligent confusion.
Astrology and Cosmonomics
Our reality itself is built around a core vortex swirling at higher frequency and with more harmony of motion circling a dimensional doorway called the zero point. The science of cosmonomics studies consequences, does analysis and predicts outcomes based upon a human-centered view of this fundamental cosmic economy surrounding the zero point with human life on Earth as a critical method of regulation and fine control of the entire solar system.
Apoptosis Versus Cancer
When living within a diseased organization with no possibility of escape there are several critical soul-level decisions that must be made. The first major choice is whether to wake up to the fact there is a problem at all. Humans are especially adaptable to long-term suffering. We make great hamsters on a wheel, and once in a set pattern and motion, we have a tremendous capacity to apply our focused willpower in any trained direction.
The Devil’s Pitchfork
Today we are going to approach one of the master reconciliations, between good and evil. Naturally, the pull towards love and harmony generally associated with goodness is well accepted. In fact, nearly all civilizations are founded upon the emotions of shame, guilt, pride and fear which all depend upon some objective goodness by which to judge ourselves.
Navigating Zero Point
I mentioned recently using the tool of celestial navigation’s triangulation of stars in the sky to get an accurate position on Earth. The same principle applies to tracking cell phones by signal strength from triangulated antenna towers. Today, we will walk through the case for cosmonomics from three separate directions. First with logic. Second with history. And third with experience.
The Heart Citadel III
For all our science and our experts in white coats, the human heart, its operation, and its function remain mysteriously hidden. Everyone knows the heart is a pump except when disease causes the heart valves to misfire the direction of the blood flow remains one-directional against the laws of physics. Perhaps this is because of the vortex (zero point) created in the left ventricle which remains strangely unexplored.
Perfect Delusion
We have often talked about what science calls the three body “problem”. They call it a problem because it is impossible to calculate using mathematics any future state of a three body system. They fail to realize that humans are a three body system of mind, heart and body with no certain predictability, by design, due to too numerous of variables that cannot be fixed into a reducible equation. Man is wild. Life is untamable. Hooray!
First Contact
The idea of our first contact with the “other”, the space alien, has been imagined in books, television and movies for a century. This new opening added a cosmic dimension to the underworld “haunting” by demons and creatures who have chased humanity throughout time and in all recorded history. But serious UFO researchers finally get to the point of understanding there is no difference in who does the haunting as every form they take is mostly a creation of the human mind trying to make sense of something completely incomprehensible.
People Power III
In the industrial revolution, machines became a threat to the value of people’s labor. Many hands were replaced by a few hands. And in the short run, weavers and cotton pickers lost value in the production process. In the long term, the repetitive tasks that scar the human body and deaden the soul were rightly given over to unfeeling and tireless machines. This did not happen quickly but still, Luddites organized to try to stop this progress and the word sabotage comes from using wooden shoes (sabo) to jam the machinery.
Artificial Versus Natural Intelligence
I will state at the beginning of this blog to being very excited with the recent release of ChatGPT and its ability to democratize expert systems and break down the privileges of private knowledge. The ramifications of this technological release into the wild will be the crowning achievement of electricity and computer chips. Futurist and wild man, Terrance McKenna envisioned a world of walking barefoot in a wild jungle while wearing a contact lens with an interface to the internet and, therefore, all human knowledge. We are there, except we can interface through common language now with ChatGPT.
Cleansing as Ritual
I described recently some of my tools of analysis used within this Institute and in my writings. I never theorize without rock-solid confirmation from the human blueprint. I reveal my reconciliations of divided knowledge and understanding where previously apparent opposites become aligned. And I also use the wisdom traditions, both overt and covert, handed down through the centuries as confirmatory. Today we are going to explore the confirmatory traditions of ritual cleansing regarding cosmonomics.
The Heart Citadel II
Several posts back on the subject of citadelization we discussed the heart as a citadel with respect to ego formation and dissolution during the human journey and how this defensive perimeter regulates the production, storage and use of the neutralizing and reconciling force so critical to the arising and sustaining of life on Earth and in the solar system. Today, we will explore the expanded citadel around the heart’s zero point from the aspect of bioadministration’s structural support of this vital defensive structure.
Enslaving Tyrant
The enslaving of one human by another has been illegal for well over a century in the civilized world. Even the abuse within rigid patriarchies of women and children is dying out. But the mental enslavement of one’s own heart and body is rampant.
Electrification and programmed light have thrown the human organism out of balance. The food of the mind, information and sugar, has become nearly free while the foods that feed the heart and body are on a starvation diet. Attention, the center point of our consciousness, while awake, is held captive within the brain.
Zero Point III
As a writer, I am yet to be satisfied with my descriptions of the zero point and its purpose. And perhaps I am too hard on myself because there is yet to be a common language to describe what is essentially a portal to another dimension. The portal itself, its approach, its “passwords” and what’s on the other side are all hidden mysteries of something called The Great Way or the Gates of Heaven or the spiritual journey among numerous other names whose language and meaning can only be truly understood within the zero point…after the journey has been walked.
The Tower of Babel
What if you where working to build the proverbial tower of Babel? Maybe you lived nearby and wanted to be a part of the “greatest show on Earth”. Maybe you were a slave? Or it was the only way to feed yourself or your family. Maybe it really was a spiritual exercise to try and assault the gates of heaven.
A Case for Bioadministration
Here at the transition point between the passing year and the New Year I will revisit the case for adoption of the bioadministration model for any large or small human organization. The specific event triggering my desire this revisit, besides it being a New Year, was the recent meltdown of Southwest Airlines as a functioning organization.
Zero Point II
One definition of a zero point is of the one force that remains beneath all others. Our body has gravity as its zero point. Our mind has sunlight as it’s core. Our heart has a magnetic attraction to the feeling of peace and harmony to call us back home.
Decentralization is not an optimizing process. Things can be atomized beyond their optimum strength and functionality. Whereas cItadelization is a process of optimization because its goal is not to be small or independent but to best contain and fulfill a function required by mission versus outside forces. The sphere is the natural citadel forced upon groups of similar matter from soap bubbles to planets and stars.
Last night as we headed into our latest bomb cyclone of cold weather in North America, I took stock of my surroundings. I was standing in a fully stocked kitchen looking over at my woman curled up among New Zealand sheep skins watching HBO Max. The power was on, internet and phones clear and strong and I had no fear of artillery shells falling or of a home invasion. I had cut some firewood and did a few chores to prepare for the cold but I actually expended very little work compared to any past age or civilization facing severe winter weather.
Food of the Gods
A now deceased Terrence McKenna wrote a book under the title Food of the Gods about thirty years ago. His theory was that apes on the plains of Africa came out of the forests to harvest psychedelic mushrooms and became human via this “food of the gods”. This old friend of mine loved to shock people and was a relentless promoter of entheogenic plants so I always took this theory with a heaping spoonful of salt. What I never doubted was the quality of food ingested to be an evolutionary, or devolutionary force.