
Last night as we headed into our latest bomb cyclone of cold weather in North America, I took stock of my surroundings. I was standing in a fully stocked kitchen looking over at my woman curled up among New Zealand sheep skins watching HBO Max.  The power was on, internet and phones clear and strong and I had no fear of artillery shells falling or of a home invasion.  I had cut some firewood and did a few chores to prepare for the cold but I actually expended very little work compared to any past age or civilization facing severe winter weather.

I imagined for a moment, ”What if I was on my own to provide all the comforts I was enjoying being well insulated from the weather?”  First, it would be impossible no matter how hard I worked or how much I spent.  Secondly, even if I could provide all this for my home, how could I relax unless nearly all of my neighbors were also warm and fed?  And thirdly, I realized how little time I invest in being grateful for all blessings I gain by being a tiny unit in a great system of co-empowerment.

When I first got the bioadministration download, in a flash of enlightenment, of using the human organism as the blueprint for humanity, I had my own repulsion from the idea of being such a small insignificant piece of such a large organism….and also the idea of being completely ruled by a force that I might not be a willing participant in.  I grew up in the golden years of post war America, in full counterpoint to Mao’s China or the Politburo’s Russia.  Collectivism was pure evil and freedom was idealized.  No nuance of thought was allowed.

Actually, I was living in a collective reaping the benefits of co-empowerment just with better mental organization and governance.  But today, all my judgments towards my fellow humans in Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, etc. are coming home to roost upon my homeland.  I could not understand how whole groups of people and cultures could allow such oppression to thrive and grow, until I lived the last few decades of America making poor choices in search of the maintenance of comfort I had grown so accustomed to.  Co-empowerment somewhere along the way became co-dependency.

Game theory won the Nobel Prize for figuring out there are win-win paths and lose-lose paths along with win-lose pathways.  Co-empowerment and co-dependence can have the same organizational chart operating on two different theories of the game.  And if we study history, we know that game theory has rarely been optimized by our governments for general human health and wealth.  Co-empowerment is so easy to see at the approach of a blizzard while any breakdown of the system and the attitude driving the system can quickly become a disempowering co-dependency.

Enter bioadministration.  Game theory has been resolved and optimized.  Once the human body, heart and mind first recognized that co-empowerment and codependency are simply two outlooks from the same inescapable situation then it could optimize itself and its choices.  And humanity arose along with this journey.  No organization of life is better adapted and capable as a single human, than a group of humans in co-empowered relationship.  Once humanity understands the choices game theory presents and recognizes the value of attitude and gratitude, then we can see bioadministration has already won the game even at the first move.

As I watch my country’s current mental and governmental infractions against its own wellbeing, I can fall into the feeling of being trapped in an organization in decline that I cannot escape….or I can see that I am trapped in an organization that has already won.  Bioadministration transcends politics by revealing the truth that we are inescapably codependent or co-empowered within the same organization.  Will we break down into fear and doubt led astray by a confused and ignorant mind? Perhaps, but only within a greater container of humanity that cannot deny the benefits and eventual victory of co-empowerment.

So as we Americans prepare ourselves for the inescapable application of the immaculate wake up call we are about to give ourselves, by falling out of co-empowerment into codependence and then into the collapse into refreshing sleep, know that humanity has already won its great victory.  The human blueprint has been designed and tested for a thousand generations by both countless seasons and recurring millennia of snow and ice.  Over time, we humans pass these tests with greater and greater ease through co-empowerment.  And that trend will continue because we are learning by looking in the mirror of our own actions.

As much as my indoctrination was at odds with the truth of bioadministration, I eventually saw its inevitability and its desirability.  Even if there are no more secrets to hide behind. Even if I have gained a large deposit of human wealth that must be husbanded and surrendered upon legitimate need.  Even if my judgments by which I defined myself must be surrendered.  Eventually every human will wake up to the fact that co-empowerment is the plan and all other strategies have already been tried and have failed.

Life has a plan. Just look within. You are your own proof.




Food of the Gods