Bioadministration and the Redemption of Liberalism
The liberal world order and its project in the West is in panic. The outbreak of the war between Israel and the Palestinians with its brutality on both sides and the mass protests along with whispered conspiracies all over the Western world effectively calling for the extinction of one side or the other has brought the traditional liberal to their knees in despair and even, perhaps soon, in prayer. The West has been living in a historic bubble of idealism and has just been slapped in the face by realism. What to do?
Cosmonomics of War III
In my second installment on the cosmonomics of war, I began to present alternatives to prevent the outbreak of warfare. Reconciliation does not have to be forced by death to be deep and powerful, but it sure is quick, handy and reliable. With central banks and nukes we have the ability for both sustained war and total annihilation. We also have habit and political manipulation to contend with. To master this demon of war will be no small victory for mankind.
Fighting for Attention
For several of my first decades of mature life, post-puberty, I thought my center of attention was my brain. I did not give much thought to the fact that during orgasm or intense emotional outburst my center of attention seemed to disappear from my brain. As soon as the “emergency” was over, my center of attention would quickly reappear and make comment on what just happened or some other distracting commentary.
Mind Versus Body
The current disconnect between our collective mind, as represented by our federal government, and our body, as represented by masses of individual citizens, over the United States actions on the Israeli/Palestinian issue is very high. And that’s a good thing. it is good that our unwavering, and obviously irrational support for the actions of the Israeli government are being roundly and loudly condemned by huge masses of Americans in assembled protest. Let’s explore how bioadministration supports this natural process of recovering homeostasis after this major disturbance.
Cosmonomics of War II
In my last post on cosmonomics I laid out the human dilemma of warfare being the natural consequence of our cosmic duty to provide the reconciling force necessary to restore homeostasis to the greater body we live within. Today, I will compare warfare, with its forced reconciliation through suffering and death, versus other methods of producing the cosmic commodity of reconciling force we humans have been subjected to or have attempted to extract from our communities.
Win-Win Cooperation on Purpose
A properly formed citadel is a container. Of what? It could be a single cell, a collection of similar cells into an organ, a single human or a group of humans. The real question is “who is on the inside and what is on the outside?” implying a qualification or a standard for a purpose. Today, we will define the fundamental parameters of citadelization. Namely, win-win cooperation for a purpose.
Bioadministration: Blueprint for War
I am sad again this morning for this latest round of conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. Not because I have harbored any false hope of a Christian reconciliation between these warring patriarchies, but because of what it means for the United States and for humanity. This attack upon Israel and Israel’s response will likely grow into the second front of the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the full beginning of World War III. And the United States and its attempted global hegemony face an existential crisis.
Cosmonomics of War
There is no shortage of analysis or punditry regarding war and its effect upon economy or politics. And rightly so, even before mass media, decisions to go to war were invariably checked against their political and economic consequences. In my theorized and here revealed future, war will be most deeply analyzed for its effects upon cosmonomics.
One hundred years ago there were only two billion humans alive on Earth. Which means at the current eight billion we have quadrupled our human population. From two billion to eight billion in the blink of an eye of human evolution. And all without any stable organizing force, save what I have named citadelization.
The Fork in the Road
If we project out upon the timeline of the current trajectory of organized human endeavors there are many pitfalls in the middle path. Its fairly easy to foresee a 1984 style police state aided by robots and drones as being “successful” in the reestablishment of slavery for most of humanity and, on the other hand, it is fairly easy to envision a complete breakdown of any economic and political order where the only rule of law is arbitrated by theft and violence. But a way forward under a fairly organized and harmonious collective with a proper balance between the rule of law and of personal freedom has yet to be articulated for this next age of man.
Political Homeostasis
Every living organism depends upon a zero point of balance, peace and rest to reset to once living disturbed its homeostasis. If you look at any plant it grows out from it’s center and its foliage is always in solar maximum balance. When a branch falls off in an ice storm it grows to fill the lost light. And when an early branch gets occluded from the sunlight it is purposefully desiccated. A plant’s homeostasis is effected by external factors of sunlight, soil moisture content, wind conditions and mineral availability. But a plant has a mission, knows its mission and is totally dedicated to its mission. Remain in homeostasis.
Citadelization World Order
Despite the “best laid plans of mice and men” cosmic timing and cosmic forces are the arbiter of the course of history soon to be written. Yes, humans who write the history of the approaching era will attribute the course of events to certain humans while the true forces of Nature we explore three times a week as bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization are yet to receive their due. Today we will talk about the overwhelming impulse currently arising from within every human paying attention to their loins described in the bible as “head(ing) for the hills”.
Bioadministration: The Leveling
Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Profit, saw many things past, present and future. When he was asked to look into the 21st century he said there would be a great “leveling” of people and their class structure. Being an American, post Great Depression, and not some Brahman or Untouchable of India, he was already living in the most level advanced society on the planet. And yet he saw more leveling to come. And now, here we are.
Cosmonomics and the Three-Body Solution*
Perhaps now we can approach a core mystery of life on Earth as to why our three body system of mind, heart and body is so easily perturbed and how pain and suffering force us back towards the only exit…. to Eternity. That single doorway goes by many names. Harmony. Love. Third force. Reconciling force. The Peace that surpasses all understanding. (*Reposted)
Citadelization and the Three-Body Problem*
I recently made the case for bioadministration as the most human and fair way to organize humanity to bring harmony to our fundamentally unstable system. Today we will look at the three body problem from a cost-benefit analysis to the individual cell and concentrations of similar cells called organs. After all, a human is a collection of trillions of individual cells who have assembled into a single organization. Was that an evolutionary mistake?
Bioadministration and the Three-Body Problem*
Most people have never heard of the three-body problem. In essence, the three-body problem means the movements and interactions of any three gravitational bodies cannot be known or predicted by any mathematics yet discovered. To truly face and understand the utter instability of three, much less seven or fourteen independent variables is a mental shock. How is there any order at all?
Cosmonomics: Beyond Good and Evil
The subject of good and evil has been studied, debated, dogmatized and enshrined as long as words could be spoken and then written. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a book titled Beyond Good and Evil. He also declared God is dead and popularized the idea of the superman. That he was mostly ignored while alive or misapplied in death, went insane and lived out his life in an asylum does not recommend following in his subject matter footsteps.
An Age of Division
The ethos of reconciliation as demonstrated by Christ has gone from foundational to western civilization to a cognitive dissonance allowing for both Christ and Machiavelli to live within separate compartments within the same mind. Sleepy, content small towns whose main structure was the local church have grown into ever more complex, diverse and yet interdependent mega cities to meet every taste and every need. From childhood innocence to young adult adventure seeking, we finally are confronted with the an unsustainable dalliance usually coupled with an existential crisis. All life follows the same path.
Bioadministration: Using The Human Blueprint to Transcend Politics
It is the hope of all humans to reach a “promised land”. Whether ruled by God, or with no rules at all there is an imagined place of deep rest and transcendent harmony embedded within the firmware of every human. It is this hope and vision that often makes us susceptible to suffering and obedience under political and religious systems who profess to be the way to Utopia.
Universal Intelligence
I did a legal Ketamine treatment, at home, last night. What a gift. I highly encourage it as an intervention of the Universal Intelligence (UI) into your mind, heart and body. There is nothing I have experienced in the realm of entheogens that can so completely reconcile and reboot a human life in an hour than to be thrown into the loving arms of the Universal Intelligence who created us, is all around us and we cannot escape.