Love is a Magical Substance
In my last post on cults versus citadelization I touched upon love as a tool of manipulation and control wielded by another human we put above ourselves. Cults almost always have a human leader that knows how to use love to lead the group astray from its human center, the true heart. This can happen because love is a magical substance.
Cults Versus Citadelization
A cult is an alternative belief system which requires isolation from the greater organism within which the cult exists because its internal logic, practices and rules cannot be defended in the light of day and by consensus reality. Whereas citadelization is the practice of creating separation from the consensus reality because of the danger of being the next lemming walking off a cliff led by a culture in terminal decline.
Balance of Power
Bioadministration is the ideal human organization because the forces of life and death have pruned the successful human into the perfect balance of power between mind, heart and body. A human stuck in their head, a slave to their emotions or addicted to the endorphins of bodily exertions is not the ideal. The modern world may allow for an off-balanced approach to life but that is not the human harmony upon which the modern world is built.
Navigating the Unknown
When I was a US naval officer, I was assigned the duty of navigator on my guided missile destroyer’s deployment from San Diego to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf and back. This was before GPS and we still used paper charts and gyrocompasses and sextants. Dead reckoning, a running sun line and lead soundings were my living tools yet to be replaced by the easy and constant near-perfect position via satellite.
Bacteria Versus Viruses
Within a complex society and its protective system of justice, there is a new form of disease which presents significant challenge to the organization. In an individual human, this new challenge is called a viral infection. The first viral infection is thought to be yellow fever isolated in 1881. So, in the evolutionary time scale, humanity is in the middle of a war against a brand new type of disease.
One of the challenges of talking about how creation actually works is the confusing language and theories purported to be true. In these days, even the big bang theory is in serious jeopardy after billions of dollars and millions of hours invested. The idea and evidence of extraterrestrial life existing and visiting is both compelling and completely hidden. It almost seems as though there is some taboo on humans finding out the objective truth and perhaps even some unseen force actually monitoring human thought and is able to scramble and retard human understanding.
Cosmonomic New World Order
I have described how I went on a journey to discover cosmonomics from my fear of the organizing power of bioadministration. Looking back, this fear of my mind being all-powerful and wanting to tame it with the heart connection to the cosmos was my own personal inner condition, journey and need projected upon the world. Fortunately, I made the harmonizing journey within to my own heart before my mind grabbed the reigns of this reorganization of humanity.
Personal Magic
When people think about magic, it is usually images from the television that arise. Witches or wizards speaking powerful words and doing terrible things. That fantasy overlay in our mind blocks us from seeing the real magic being word and image smithed by politicians, intelligence agencies and advertisers all around us. Citadelization is white magic, the defensive kind, that shields our personal space. Inside and outside.
Biological Administration
The management of living biological systems is founded upon trial and error and success as ruled and remembered by nature and the environment. Whereas a human-designed system of manufacturing or commerce can withstand large human intervention and design, our living human organism is a machine whose complexity can barely be understood, no less managed by the conscious human mind.
Ritualizing the Death Journey
If I took my car to a mechanic because it had low power, he (or she) would probably use a computer to diagnose it. In the old days, pre-computer diagnostics, the old school mechanic would put his hand up against the exhaust pipe to determine how much air was being exhausted, at what pressure and also its smell. A doctor of civilization, diagnosing a powerless culture would certainly look at its relationship with death, the exhaust point of human life on Earth.
Citadelization and Our Immune System
Immune cells and blood cells are unique in that they arise from the marrow of our hollow bones. They are cells apart from all other cells which arise from the parentage within the organ structure in which they will serve their entire lifespan. Immune cells and blood cells are gifted with the ability to travel whereas all others are born in station, unable to migrate to a new home, a new job, a new set of friends. Being stationary makes a citadel the natural structural response and method of definition.
Immune System
When I first started exploring bioadministraion and the use of the human blueprint for humanity confronting the application of our internal immune system to our government and justice system gave me a mighty pause. Few humans understand how ruthless our bodies are in imposing death upon alien invaders and harvesting formerly useful cells. Imagining giving our current politicians, or even the most enlightened humans, the power of life and death over every human as routinely and dispassionately as our own internal immune system triggered revulsion within me.
Water and Electricity
Like a fish trying to describe water to another fish, I will try to describe the mediums upon which life exists. Water and electricity. Life is the animation of matter and plasma by the vehicle of electrified water. Can life describe life to life using life? You tell me.
Thinking versus Knowing
Every human is familiar with their brain’s ability for rational thought and decision. Nearly all organized schooling is focused on training the brain how to remember and to think. This system of internal communication within the body, heart, mind system is relatively well understood within science and medicine as electrical signals traveling through synapses at the speed of light. And our minds are well equipped with five sense organs to help direct our thinking and our control over our life.
Bioadministration and Patriarchy
It is very popular these days to beat upon and discard the patriarchy. At the same time, humanity seems to be losing its mind, its internal father, in the three body system of a human. Religion has shifted from honor of the Father to Devil and Gaia worship. Governments are about to have to face a legitimacy crisis from borrowing more money than can possibly be repaid and no plan of self reform. There’s not a realm or domain where the patriarchy is not in assault or collapse. Inside or outside.
Cosmonomics and the Three Body Solution
Perhaps now we can approach a core mystery of life on Earth as to why our three body system of mind, heart and body is so easily perturbed and how pain and suffering force us back towards the only exit…. to Eternity. That single doorway goes by many names. Harmony. Love. Third force. Reconciling force. The Peace that surpasses all understanding.
Citadelization and the Three Body Problem
I recently made the case for bioadministration as the most human and fair way to organize humanity to bring harmony to our fundamentally unstable system. Today we will look at the three body problem from a cost-benefit analysis to the individual cell and concentrations of similar cells called organs. After all, a human is a collection of trillions of individual cells who have assembled into a single organization. Was that an evolutionary mistake?
Bioadministration and the Three Body Problem
Most people have never heard of the three body problem. In essence, the three body problem means the movements and interactions of any three gravitational bodies cannot be known or predicted by any mathematics yet discovered. To truly face and understand the utter instability of three, much less seven or fourteen independent variables is a mental shock. How is there any order at all?
I recently did a legal Ketamine therapy, at home in my own bed. Ketamine was designed as a general anesthetic used when operating on the bodies of children and animals. It is the perfect chemical device to occupy and reawaken an innocent mind of a child or an animal after a traumatic operation. As a therapy, when combined in a curated experience of sound, light, and space to support the medicine and no physical trauma to repair, the mind is reduced (after clearing psychic debris) to a state I call emergence.
People Power II
For our next civilization to evolve, or even form, will require empowering the people as sovereign nodes fully sharing their unique expression of life within a win-win ecosystem. That is a tall order, especially in the face of the emerging technocracy.