Our Dark Father
In the realm of spirituality, the feminine aspect is well defined into the Virgin Mary light side and the Kali dark side. On the contrary, the masculine aspect of divinity is rarely observed from it’s dark aspect. Perhaps this is because the Abrahamic religions and Christianity as their offshoot of the obedient Son of the Father of Light only explore one side, the Father as Light and Omnipotent. No one was allowed to consider God as stupid and dark.
Zero Point
I have often used the term zero point without a direct definition. So far, I have led my reader from various situations and circumstances of life back to its fully reconciled state and labeled it zero point. With this blog post, I will attempt a direct definition of the single doorway into and out of our perceived reality.
Patriarchy and Succession
Here at BCC Institute, a patriarchy is not defined as a group of men running the world. The masculine power of knowing and wielding light can emanate from a biological male or female.
The patriarchy is the mind of any organization of humanity with its masculine, feminine and unified compartments.
In an ideal world, a system of patriarchy would renew itself and train its next leaders by the structure and design of the system itself. Fraternities and secret societies attempt this with hazings and ritualized suffering to weed out the uncommitted and make more valuable the secrets at the core of that belief system and patriarchy. On the downside, succession becomes self-referential and the original focus of the system becomes staying alive, instead of its original purpose and service.
Autoimmune Disorder
During the 1918 pandemic, in the first wave of influenza, a preponderance of young healthy people died because of an over-reaction of the immune system. Inflammation is a variable response mechanism the body uses to swell tissues with blood and interstitial fluid making each cell a citadel via osmotic pressure. This is the perfectly designed response to a bug bite, walling off a foreign protein from spreading. But swelling of the lung tissue is a dangerous strategy that cuts off oxygen. Evolution taught our immune system the proper response.
Doctor of Civilization
We have long had philosophers and historians. More recently we have added political scientists and psychologists. But unless there is a secret course of study among the Free Masons, no science has arisen to give diagnosis and healing remedy to the human organization we call civilization.
Bedtime for Washington
I have been studying the idea of a planned reboot of our civilization for over 25 years. In 1997 I formulated a Presidential campaign with the platform of a one-year controlled reboot of the United States to celebrate a new millennium. I worked out the operational plan and justification based on cost-benefit to the soul of our nation versus the machine of the modern economy. What happened was, I decided that shutting down the whole economy at once was too authoritarian and should be voluntary. I went first.
Atlas Shrugged Rewritten
The classic story of Atlas Shrugged contains a fictional response of what happens when the body of an organization becomes riddled with cancerous cells and the mind responds with more and more authoritarian control weighing down the heart and the creative class to run and hide. The glorification of Ayn Rand’s heroes’ self-serving, self-righteous escape to encourage the system collapse is as polluted as her personal life story. As satisfying as it can be to use division to wall our hearts off from our human design to find reconciliation even in a fight, it is always a failure to run and hide with no plan of return.
Law, Harmony and Justice III
The strength and health of any sized human organization is determined by its level of reconciliation. And reconciliation requires a zero point around which the mind’s truth and the body’s chi can serve with loving commitment. Law of mind and justice of body must have a higher purpose to serve than a monarch, an oligarchy or a mob. The best example of loving commitment creating a zero point of harmony within a human organization is father, mother, child.
Law and Justice II
It’s all the rage to claim a civil war is about to break out in the United States between the left and right. We also have predictions and experiences across Western Civilization of revolts against medical tyranny. Before we panic, remember the ancient model of our Republic and subsequent Empire, the Western Roman Empire, experienced 150 named revolts and civil wars. And the Eastern successor of Byzantium had another 125.
Law and Justice
I feel I have laid out a sufficient ethos of bioadminsitration with its siblings of cosmonomics and citadelization to open a discussion on one of the thorniest topics, law and justice. Over twenty years ago when I first started applying the theory of bioadministration to our human world, I saw how the harmonization of our internal immune system with the administration of external law and justice would be a powder keg. It is in these deeply unconscious contradictions that hide our most powerful and dangerous transformations. Reconciling the human immune system with our justice system will bring up powerful issues. Gird yourself. Here we go.
Cosmonomic Theory of Conscious Harmony
What if our Creator gave humans a superpower? That superpower is certainly not speed, strength or flight. Animals and birds put us humans to shame in bodily capability. How about our minds? We have invented AI which can beat the best humans at any mind game. And all of our new ideas and inventions are essentially planted in our minds by some unseen and greater intelligence over which our minds have no control except for which to be a clear channel.
Citadelization Theory of Conscious Harmony
I have stated the fundamental force creating citadels is the desire to know thyself. That is half the ideal. Often times among humans this is really just being lazy. We might lock ourselves into our room and watch television. And as dysfunctional as this type of retreat from life can become, it is still based on the desire to create physical and energetic boundaries to be at rest and at peace even if we use it to give our attention to something that has none of our soul attached.
Bioadministration Theory of Conscious Harmony
Avoiding civil war can be a defensive strategy alone but is best paired with a positive goal. Conscious harmony as a goal was the wordsmithing of a metaphysical author named Rodney Collin. And along my journey in life, I helped build a church named The Church of Conscious Harmony. I always liked the name as a kind of low voltage shock every time I uttered it to another human. And the words conscious harmony in combination still carry the same current of energy from some human future we must eventually find or the words would have no transformative power.
Avoiding Civil War with Cosmonomics
With my previous blog post on using the bioadministration tool to diagnose the symptoms and prevention of civil war, I hopefully gave my reader a sobering view of the state of our potential for mass civil conflict and how to stop it. What happens if all our attempts at prevention fail and we find ourselves falling into conflict within?
Avoiding Civil War with Citadelization
The core tenet of citadelization is to “know thyself” so as to ensure each interaction with other humans is a well-negotiated win-win relationship. Civil war can only come about by the systemic and sustained collection of poor choices in relationships that should have never been agreed to in the first place. Over time, the win-win relationship that founded the human organization becomes compromised by pockets of self-interest no longer connected to the original agreement. Then, a civil war must be fought or cancer and death set in.
Avoiding Civil War with Bioadministration
Current events inspire me to write a prescription for preventing a civil war from the three aspects of the triad starting today with bioadministration. First, the diagnosis of the disease of our civilization from looking inside our own bodies and its disease process.
Heaven and Hell in Cosmonomics
Most humans have a good idea when they have wandered or fallen into hell. There’s no real study course or weekly meetings to attend for instruction. Hell, death and gravity are relentless. Just surrender your conscience to whatever shows up in your life or take a subway to the downtown of an American city at night and you will arrive quickly on or below the floor.
Suicide Civilization
As generations pass from parent to child there is a depletion of one to grow the other. The aging process on Earth forces humans to make commitments on what we will invest our youthful life force into before old age makes us feeble. Generally, that transfer is to our own family and children as the best investment that may give our life meaning and help protect and care for us in old age.
A Bioadministration Global Treaty Summit
I have been nursing the idea of bioadministration for over twenty years. In these two decades, I rounded out my proposed system of human organization with cosmonomics and citadelization. I now see this triad as a whole being like the mind, heart, body of the individual human is the most intelligent, feeling, and capable life form on Earth. That said, the mind, with my proposed bioadministration is the new kid on the block and the most susceptible to catastrophic error. It deserves special study as the evolving stem of human organization, especially in the form of governmental structures.
Cosmonomic Reboot
It’s all the rage today to talk about The Great Reset. And it is a very masculine way of imaging how to travel from one era to a new era…with precise planning and control. There are plenty of pundits and prognosticators to opine on the solely masculine view of from here to there. Good luck, it has never happened in recorded history.