Avoiding Civil War with Cosmonomics

With my previous blog post on using the bioadministration tool to diagnose the symptoms and prevention of civil war, I hopefully gave my reader a sobering view of the state of our potential for mass civil conflict and how to stop it.  What happens if all our attempts at prevention fail and we find ourselves falling into conflict within?

The greatest risk to humanity and to its cosmonomic purpose of managing the creation, storage, and use of third force within humanity is when the state of life upon Earth becomes so violent and senseless that there is no actual third force created as life is destroyed.  For those readers unfamiliar with the cosmonomic theory of life’s cosmic purpose, I will briefly explain.  

We humans live inside the body of God.  Each human has trillions of cells. God has trillions of cells and humans are like God’s liver cells.  What we humans call war and peace, famine and plenty, or day and night are trigger mechanisms from the greater body of God to stimulate the production of specific refined energies just like our own livers produce, on demand, thousands of complex chemical transformations necessary for life to continue.  The highest and most powerful substance humans create, generally in death, is the reconciliation of all our stored contradictions, wounds, and glories from our lives into pure love, the third force.  War, famine, and plague are not humanity's “fault”.  They visit humanity on occasion as a harvesting of third force and cosmonomics is the science of how to produce the most refined third force with the least amount of weak or senseless death.

Civil war is a very serious condition similar to the poisonous death that occurs when lovers and family members fight to the death.  Hell was specifically designed to hold the worst memories we humans create that are least likely to be resolved into love upon death of the body.  A “good medicine death” is dying for the ones you love.  A “bad medicine death” is killing the ones you love.  Therefore, a civil war, by definition being inside what was previously a single harmonious organization of humanity, is extremely prone to being bad medicine escaping the human liver and feeding it to the bloodstream of our greater body.  We humans can poison the solar system and therefore we humans require an ethos by which to live and die.

The cosmonomic ethos is literally centered around the zero point at the center of our hearts.  We humans use memorized sensations from life as energetic bricks to create an ego wall around our heart and a highly reconciled sense of self to man the walls that guard our doorway to Eternity, the zero point.  An irreconcilable contradiction is generally kept at a good distance from our heart center like having a war in the Middle East instead of close to home.  But if we have a life experience that wounds our home base, our sense of self, and our ego, then our internal defenses are fractured and this leads to an internal conflict. A civil war will, hopefully, repair our natural defenses.  

We humans are designed to be the generators of the finest substance in the solar system, love and the third force. Therefore, the rules of this reality are also designed to encourage or force a “good medicine death” by keeping our internal sense of self and what we will sacrifice our lives for as pure as possible.  This means the occasional civil war is inevitable and must be faced to restore any fractures in the self.  It is a war that is best fought and won with love.

So, a civil war is unavoidable once the ego defenses have been breached or the sense of self has been wounded with division and doubt.  It is too dangerous and painful to be the open conduit between human life and Eternity, without filter, so we attempt to compensate in many ways.  On a personal level, we will find codependency with other humans to fill the cracks, as groups, we will form tribes or gangs that think the same, or as a country, we will ally with bigger, stronger countries for protection.  But if our sense of self or our country’s soul is wounded there can be no external force that “fixes” it, only masks and delays its healing.  Abuse and betrayal within these compensating partnerships will conspire to eventually force our own internal conflict or civil war to re-establish our internal integrity.  No matter what the risk or cost.

There is a warrior in each of us, even if buried deeply. Because life demands we defend ourselves. Cosmonomics teaches us that the role of warrior is best a temporary phase once we lose the power of innocence as children. Before we have built the ego walls and strong personalities, all of us lived in the state of love always connected to the zero point.  And also after whatever wars that must be fought to restore a unified sense of self we live in the wisdom of the mature adult who lives at peace with their self.  The warrior is the immune system of the organization who will risk and conduct war for the sake of defending the innocent and unhurried growth of children and that allows for the wisdom of the elders to hold the peace.

The strongest and most resilient human organizations have an abundance of children as our purest representatives of God’s human design. That civilization also has warriors willing to die for the sake of the innocence and the continuation of our human design.  The highest of civilization also has cultivated mature adults with a great sense of self who sit and tend the fires that light the way to the zero point.  These cells in the body of God have stored up great potential energy ready to reconcile as much sin and disease as possible as they walk through the portal of Eternity. A civilization without innocent children and potential saints will raise warriors with no anchor or purpose. An auto-immune disease.

The great risk of civil war is not the death or the suffering.  The great risk is that we lose our humanity and our human purpose by destroying the innocence of childhood and by blocking the portal to Eternity with signs of hatred.  The great purpose of fighting an internal civil war is to stop reining terror on our external neighbors and to re-establish our own love of self and the reformation of a healthy ego boundary. If we can begin to understand this relationship between humanity and the cosmos which requires our zero point doorway to Eternity remain open yet defended for a regulated flow of third force, we can begin to diagnose the health and disease within a human organization from a single individual to a whole civilization. 

True understanding of the forces humanity is subject to and must satisfy is the best way to avoid a civil war in the first place. Cosmonomics recognizes war and other disasters are thrust upon humanity by design.  But how we fight and how long we suffer and what we are feeding into the zero point is within each human to determine.  Civil war is either a death or a return to life. Cosmonomics ensures a cosmic victory whichever way our battle ends.


Bioadministration Theory of Conscious Harmony


Avoiding Civil War with Citadelization