Bioadministration Theory of Conscious Harmony

Avoiding civil war can be a defensive strategy alone but is best paired with a positive goal.  Conscious harmony as a goal was the wordsmithing of a metaphysical author named Rodney Collin. And along my journey in life, I helped build a church named The Church of Conscious Harmony.  I always liked the name as a kind of low voltage shock every time I uttered it to another human. And the words conscious harmony in combination still carry the same current of energy from some human future we must eventually find or the words would have no transformative power.

In no small way, the acceptance and the invoking of the idea of there being a state of conscious harmony has been a magical spell upon my life and has led me to explore a scientific pathway to achieving and maintaining this state of being. Bioadministration was an outgrowth of my own state of conscious harmony and in this blog post, I hope to continue to leave more breadcrumbs along the trail to this promised future.

The first time my mind connected using the human organism as the blueprint for human organization, now named bioadministration, I had a sustained moment of ecstatic conscious harmony known in religious terms as an epiphany.  I had studied the history of and the many theories of economics, warfare, and politics for years. In my mind was this edifice built upon ideas and facts that would earn easy A’s in any university worldwide.  But world history is anything but conscious harmony and my own yearning to inhabit this state was like a lightning rod on top of this establishment structure that grounded the lightning flash of bioadministration.

I cannot give you the experience I had from half a lifetime of tension built up from studying competition and disharmony in the outer world and also feeling in my heart there was this undiscovered country called conscious harmony.  But I can say this.  The human organism has been perfectly designed and adapted to this biosphere over a thousand generations. Tested for what? For what goal? When do we most feel we have won the game?  After sexual union.  After a tasty meal.  After a dopamine hit from figuring something out.  What are these goals met but flashes of conscious harmony?

The rules of the game of life on Earth are designed to seek the state of feeling satisfied.  Hunger, sexual drive, and curiosity are all the sticks that flog us.  What are we always chasing until we achieve it? Being satisfied.  When body, heart, and mind are all simultaneously satisfied we stand at the doorway to conscious harmony.  This triad of competing centers we know as being human each need their own very different type of satisfaction that cannot be achieved without harmonious agreement among the three to work together.  One center ruling is a disaster for all three.

Now finally we can jump a level of human organization from mind, heart, and body and see how father, mother, and child or state, church, and people systems thrive or fail.  Each center has its own incentives and desires but forcing the other two to go along creates a mess. Civil war. Each center must conspire harmoniously with the other two for any one to have lasting satisfaction, much less conscious harmony for all three at once.  

Bioadminsitration points out the undeniable truth that everyone must have their basic needs met for there to be any hope of peace.  But it is an error to think the mind or the government can satisfy the hunger for energy the body and the people need.  The mind needs the body to be fed so that the attention can return to the mind for its need to discover.  Our modern governments spend no time understanding anything new and are consumed with meeting the physical and emotional needs of the other centers.  With no real satisfaction, just bondage, our governments create shadow selves and actions to feel alive just like repressed humans invest in their shadow thoughts and dreams.

Each center, whatever level of human organization, must pursue its own interest to satisfaction and evolution has discovered that satisfaction is maximized by cooperation.  Having an occasional civil war is re-defining and refocusing but living in a state of perpetual internal conflict is not healthy or harmonious or conscious. Being the perfect father or mother is not a mystery but it is hard.  And yet failure is not an option when our child is an inescapable mirror of our success or failure.  Conscious harmony is the best and safest drug there is and it is only possible with win-win-win relationships.

Where once bioadministration was a bolt of lightning that welded together all the “isms” of limited consciousness and success, today, it is the most natural and undeniable truth of my being.  I can no longer live out of integrity with an “everybody can win” system.  Me and my liver. Me and my partner. Me and my children. Me and my friends. Me and my Earth. Even me and my government, in theory. 

At the same time I’m maintaining harmony with my outer world, I have my own triad to corral. My Christian programming of conscious suffering for the whole world is only a third of the story.  My need to understand life and who I am is another third of my story.  And the things I must do to satisfy my body is also a necessary third of my story.  Over play or pull any one piece and not only do I lose my own conscious harmony but I cannot show up for any outside relationship except in co-dependancy.  Then I am constantly being thrown off balance by my own imbalance externalized and contributing to its instability.  Cosmonomics explains why we create these endless loops of divided consciousness but that explanation is for another blog post.

Civil war is a scary two word combination.  Conscious harmony is a synergistic two word combination.  These are the two ends of the game board set by Nature or God.  Pick your name for whoever set the rules and gave us these completely codependent or co-empowered vehicles to play and learn with.  Next time we will add in what the Game Master gets out of this relationship with cosmonomics.  But even without the Devil with his pitchfork or Jesus with his promise, the threat of civil war and the promise of conscious harmony rule this world by design.  


Citadelization Theory of Conscious Harmony


Avoiding Civil War with Cosmonomics