Citadelization Theory of Conscious Harmony

I have stated the fundamental force creating citadels is the desire to know thyself.  That is half the ideal. Often times among humans this is really just being lazy.  We might lock ourselves into our room and watch television. And as dysfunctional as this type of retreat from life can become, it is still based on the desire to create physical and energetic boundaries to be at rest and at peace even if we use it to give our attention to something that has none of our soul attached.

On the reverse end of the scale, we might deeply study chi gong practices of energy gathering and literally launching our spirit out of our body to explore other worlds or meditate in stillness and do the same.  We enter our horizontal and temporal citadel to go vertical and timeless.  Being able to separate our self, our soul, and our spirit from the world in order to explore the cosmos or to mindlessly watch reruns of Gilligan’s Island is a superpower we tend to under appreciate and abuse.

Remember the very old horror movie about the blob made of relentless black goo that consumed everything?  Or the modern version of the same fear with the Borg of Star Trek series of a race of humans that had sold their souls to an A.I. intelligence whose only purpose was to turn everything into the Borg.  The age of European colonialism and the white man’s march westward across North America were a real-life version of a relentless borg-like drive to assimilate everything it encounters.

Now we have the two ends of the citadelization spectrum. On one end is a relentless drive to assimilate everything to a cause of assimilation (self is everything) and on the other end is escapism into laziness or fantasy (self is nothing).  One attempts to bring everything it encounters into its citadel and the other uses its citadel to assimilate nothing. Because we live inside the body of God, both of these forms of cancer, eating the world or hiding from the world cannot be allowed to sustain themselves.  Both violate the core tenet and purpose of citadelization to “know thyself” because we have a purpose to know and do.

To know thyself and thy purpose is easier said than done. Each of our three centers of life is constantly destabilizing our three-body system.  And we have this ephemeral goal named conscious harmony tied to three different end states of knowing, feeling, and being.  During sleep, each center gets to return to an individual conscious harmony.   Our minds fly away.  Our hearts connect to the zero point.  And our bodies get to clean house and nest.  Three flavors of conscious harmony.  Epiphany in the mind, “the Peace that surpasses all understanding” in the heart….and pre-orgasmic in the body.

In procreation, the entire spectrum of citadelization from quiet masturbation to impregnating the entire world is reconciled into that super moment of conscious harmony for the body.  Orgasm. The relentless drive to create meets the desire to maintain a unique self is the boundary wall of our family, our tribe, and our nation.  The secret to citadelization is to remain connected to the magical force, direction, and desire of our procreation throughout our life.  We call it our DNA.  It is simply our Purpose with a capital P because whatever we call God was there in the bedroom at the moment of our creation.

Conscious harmony in the body is in the knowing thyself….and fulfilling our created purpose. As I write this blog I am in a state of conscious harmony in all three centers.  I only write in the early morning when my sensations are fresh from the center of the Earth, my heart is at peace and my mind is a clear channel.  My body knows I am not hiding in my room and I am not trying to impregnate the world.  I am metaphorically singing the song of my heart channeling the zero point while my mind bathes in the reconciled wisdom that pours forth from past, present, and future.  I am my purpose and every cell feels and supports my purpose with focused attention.

A citadel is defined by its purpose.  And the closer that purpose is to Purpose then the more power that citadel draws from life.  A citadel that has lost it’s created purpose is ready for recycling just like a red blood cell that can no longer carry oxygen through the bloodstream is ready to be consumed by a macrophage in the spleen to send the bilirubin to the liver to make bile.

We judge the rise and fall of civilizations by politics, history, and economics but rarely by purpose.  Cosmonomics solves that mystery of civilizational purpose to the cosmos and therefore health. That is for the next post. Citadelization at the civilizational level is much closer to the tactical purposes that life in a body demand.  So forget hiding in your room or trying to eat the world.  That’s for the weak and the sick. 

There can be no civil war within a cell, an organ, a human, a family, a tribe, a country, or a civilization when it is living its created purpose.  And being in and on purpose makes us available to seek the conscious harmony that is the reward for being our purpose.  Look around. Are you surrounded by your purpose and your citadels?  Ask your body, it always knows that answer because it cannot forget its created purpose and live to tell.


Cosmonomic Theory of Conscious Harmony


Bioadministration Theory of Conscious Harmony